WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday filed a complaint challenging a new Tennessee law that prevents doctors from providing experimental medical treatment such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery to transgender minors.
Folks, it appears the malevolent Deep State cabal and the militant transgender cult movement is not going away without a counterpunch via the weaponized DOJ.
Press Release. Justice Department Challenges Tennessee Law that Bans Critical, Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth:
The Justice Department today filed a complaint challenging Tennessee Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), a recently enacted law that denies necessary medical care to youth based solely on who they are. The complaint alleges that SB 1’s ban on providing certain medically necessary care to transgender minors violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. The department is also asking the court to issue an immediate order to prevent the law from going into effect on July 1, 2023.
In March 31, 2022, Assistant Attorney General Clarke issued a letter to all state attorneys general reminding them of federal constitutional and statutory provisions that protect transgender youth against discrimination. On April 29, 2022, the Justice Department intervened in a lawsuit challenging a law in Alabama (Senate Bill 184) that imposes a felony ban on medically necessary care for transgender minors. As a result of that litigation, the most significant provisions of Alabama’s Senate Bill 184 have been preliminarily halted from going into effect, and the United States continues to challenge its constitutionality.
“The Emperor Has No Clothes! History Has Repeated Itself” is a 2019 book by Jeanne Gossett Halsey.
“I’m a believer in Absolutes. I believe in the Laws of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Mathematics, Logic, Cosmology, and so on … and in the Word of God, the Bible. I believe in the Law of Conception: that when a female’s egg is united with the male’s sperm, a human being is created; and immediately upon fertilization, the gender has been determined by the father’s chromosomes. The embryo that grows into a fetus that is delivered as a human baby has been carrying its gender identification from its first moment of existence. The child is either a boy or a girl; no more, no less, and nothing in between. This is more than fact — it is truth. The Final Arbiter of Truth is Jesus Christ,” proclaims Halsey.
“No child is born in the wrong body – that’s hard science and common sense.” –Mary Keffler
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