DENVER, CO – Is any rational citizen surprised that Lefty liberals do not care about minors being exposed to adult genitals in a perverted flash? I ask: Would a Democrat want his/her daughter to be shocked by a male opening his pants to show his penis for sexual gratification or a sick fetish/fantasy? Or masturbating in public in front of minors?
Flashing, or to use its proper name, indecent exposure, is a crime punishable by a maximum two-year jail sentence in the UK. “And yet so often it is dismissed as a matter of scant consequence; an unpleasant but inconsequential offence, committed by the mac-wearing pervert of popular myth. Canvassing women for this article, I was struck by how few hadn’t been flashed. Women had been flashed when they were children outside school, on public transport, from parked cars, in Topshop as 13-year-old’s, in the stairwells of multistorey car parks, and cycle lanes, and busy motorways. And parks, so many parks, usually by inveterate offenders who were known to police, who took no action,” according to a 2021 article in The Guardian.
As reported in The Post Millennial, the Colorado House of Representatives voted on HB23-1135, a bill introduced to increase the severity of indecent exposure in front of a minor to a class 6 felony, and 27 Democrats voted against the bill, with one saying she was concerned it would lead to the ban of drag shows.
State Representative Leslie Herod said, “These types of laws have been used to ban drag shows, to target individuals who use the restroom of the sex that they identify with—a public restroom—to charge them with felony charges. I am very concerned about the attacks against the transgender community that are happening across the country.”
So, instead of protecting children and adolescents, Herod and her DEM colleagues are concerned for adult drag queens (aka males entertainers wearing thongs, pasties, high-heels), male predators pretending to be females standing naked in women’s locker rooms, and crossdressing men or transgenders with a mental disorder making bio woman feel unsafe in female bathrooms.
Listen for yourself HERE.
On Friday, the deputy chief of staff for the Colorado House GOP, Roger D. Hudson, tweeted HOUSE DEMOCRATS filibustered for nearly three hours today AGAINST felonizing #IndecentExposure to minors. Rep. Mary Young (D) argued AGAINST jailing perpetrators — in case they might be mentally impaired. HB23-1135 #CoPolitics
Obviously, the woke mind virus has invaded the brains of Herod and Young.
According to the state legislature’s website, the bill was up for final passage on Saturday and eventually did pass with amendments.
According to Capital News Service, HB 0212 (debated in 2023) titled Indecent Exposure Within the Sight of a Minor in Maryland would increase penalties.
“We absolutely acknowledge there are minor incidents of indecent exposure; there are also intentional incidents of indecent exposure that are specifically directed towards children,” said Lisae Jordan of the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault. “Indecent exposure really is often a gateway crime to other types of sex offenses.”
“There are over 15 states that really distinguish this type of exposure versus a general urinating in the public or flashing; there is a viciousness, a predatory nature with regards to this type of crime,” said Joyce King with the Maryland State’s Attorney Association in her testimony.
The Public Defender’s office opposed the HB 0212, saying there is no need for legislation at this time.
Trans Woman ‘Not Guilty’ Of Indecent Exposure Charges After Using Women’s Locker Room, Court Rules says a May 1, 2023, headline in The Daily Caller. A biological male who identifies as a woman was found not guilty of three counts of indecent exposure after using the women’s locker room at a YMCA in Xenia, Ohio, WHIO reported.
Darren Glines, who goes by Rachel but has not undergone transgender surgeries, was charged with public indecency in December 2022 after three reports that Glines exposed his genitals on three separate occasions while using the women’s facility between 2021 and 2022— one of which underage girls were present, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
So, an adult male gets away with flashing his genitals at underage girls under the guise of transgenderism, a mental disorder. The YWCA leaders failed to protect and defend minors in their facility. Adults in the legal system failed to do their job and hold an alleged criminal accountable. Defense attorneys, Lauren Keara Dever, failed society and humanity.
The brave girls told their parents. The police did their job by arresting Glines. Citizens stood up for the victims.
Patrons of the YMCA of Greater Dayton, Fairborn, and the state of Ohio need to peacefully boycott and contact funders and donors, write to state representatives, and continue to speak out for justice for female minors in Ohio and across the USA.
Folks, it’s a sad and sick day indeed, when grown men can stand naked with their genitals hanging in front of minors in a locker room that’s supposed to be a safe place for females. The unjust results of this case may have just emboldened sexual deviants, pedophiles, and sex offenders across the nation.
Are we living in the last days when evil will be called good and good will be called evil? The Apostle Paul told Timothy “that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.” (2 Tim 3:1). Looking at the news we see that “people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good.” (2 Tim 3:2-3).
Pray for the safety of females in bathrooms and locker rooms in your community, school district, city, county, and state. And continue defending our daughters. Vote out the judges and other elected officials that do not protect our kids.
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