KEY WEST, FL – Bizarre news can be interesting. In a nutshell: A biological adult female attended an event at a hotel that caters to gay and bisexual adult males. Allegedly, she was asked to leave before the afterhours naked birthday suit party for males only and she was denied a hotel room. Claiming discrimination, she filed a lawsuit.
Woman files discrimination complaint against gay men’s resort is the headline from Keys Weekly.
“Amina Chaudhry filed a complaint against the Island House Key West resort with the Florida Commission on Human Relations, which addresses discrimination issues. The complaint states that Chaudhry seeks no monetary damages, but rather wants to reverse the resort’s supposedly discriminatory policy, as well as be reimbursed for any court costs and legal fees,” the article reports.
My questions: Did Chaudhry want to participate in the nude festivities or did she just want a hotel room? What is her sexual orientation? Is she heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, trans-identifying, or other? The article did not address these questions.
The article further explains: Chaudhry’s complaint stems from a June 2022 event at the Island House, which hosts an all-welcome Pride kickoff party and fundraiser at the start of Key West’s Pride celebration every June. Women and nonguests are welcome at the annual party from 5 to 9 p.m., when clothing is required around the pool.
My tongue-in-cheek questions: Why no co-ed nudity allowed? Is that nakedness discrimination? Is that against LGBTQ nudity civil rights? Is equality opportunity bareness a thing?
“During the hearing, the judge repeatedly reminded Chaudhry that she needed to base her case and arguments on whether she was individually discriminated against, not whether the resort’s overall all-male policy was discriminatory,” the story continues.
Hmm. I’m no attorney, but logically if a female is barred from a male only resort– isn’t that enough for discrimination – because Chaudhry is a bio woman.
Attorney Ashley Sybesma told the Keys Weekly that Chaudhry’s own witness, a former front desk manager at Island House, testified, Sybesma said, paraphrasing his testimony, that, “usually when women call, it’s by mistake. They think they’re calling Island City House (a family-friendly, all-welcome resort in Key West),” she said. “When they hear it’s a clothing-optional resort that primarily serves gay and bisexual men, they realize they called the wrong place and book somewhere else.”
So, no women and kids welcomed at the resort for gay males only. And why would they want to be there anyway? Obviously, gay naked men do not want heterosexual or lesbian naked women in their space. However, would the bisexual naked males want heterosexual naked females at the party?
Now, I doubt that a group of lesbians or bisexual women would want a resort specified for naked females only.
Chaudhry told the Keys Weekly on April 26, “In no way do I want this to be an attack on gay men. I fully support them having safe spaces that are welcoming. I don’t want to go to outer space either, but if someone suddenly said no women were allowed in space, I’d be first to join the protest.”
So, Chaudhry is standing up for the civil rights of women and against sexism.
The judge has 60 to 90 days to make a decision.
Sidebar: “They have a motto in Key West: “One Human Family.” Coined by James Thompson — an HIV-positive activist, organizer, and designer — it represents Key West, the tiny island best known for its queer inclusiveness … Its reputation as a refuge for LGBT people has been reflected in local politics: The city was one of the first in the U.S. to elect an out gay mayor (Richard A. Heyman in 1983),” says The Advocate, a LGBTQ news source.
Hmm. Welcoming to homosexuals but not heterosexuals – is that the meaning?
“Famous queer escapes — like the men-only, clothing-optional guesthouses Equator Resort (EquatorResort.com), Alexander’s Guesthouse (AlexandersKeyWest.com), and the Island House (IslandHouseKeyWest.com) — are also open for business, as is the lesbian-owned Southernmost Inn (TheSouthernmostInn.com for two decades it was the all-women resort, Pearl’s Rainbow, but became open to men too in 2010),” the article notes.
Here’s why I penned this column:
The radical LGBTQ community is fuming and fighting over civil rights for transgendered individuals (based on unscientific gender ideology that denies biology) – yet a resort for gay and bisexual males only is standing firm with no women allowed into a male’s safe space.
The militant LGBTQ activists are screaming for bio males (trans-identifying) to be legally allowed in bio female bathrooms and locker rooms, but not at a resort for bio gay men.
My questions: Is a trans man (aka a biological female that identifies as a man) allowed to stay at the hotel and attend the nude shindig? And should the judge consider the transgender crowd in his/her ruling? Should the resort owner change the policy to include bio females and trans males?
Folks, do you see the radical LGBTQ hypocrisy?
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