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Op-Ed: Princeton Drag Show Celebrates Gender Fluidity, Masturbation, Abortion – Woke Colleges Are Going Down The Rabbit Hole

drag show
The school’s Gender and Sexuality Resource Center and the Princeton Pride Alliance in April featured student and guest performances “promoting gender fluidity, masturbation and abortion,” reports The College Fix.  File photo: Vershinin89, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PRINCETON, NJ – Princeton University’s annual drag performance, sponsored by The school’s Gender and Sexuality Resource Center and the Princeton Pride Alliance in April featured student and guest performances “promoting gender fluidity, masturbation and abortion,” reports The College Fix.  

Sidebar: The College Fix is my favorite freedom-loving conservative university online newspaper.  

“So, abortion care is very, very important because not only can women get pregnant, not only can cis women get pregnant, but non-binary individuals can get pregnant as well, as well as trans-masculine individuals, and anybody that falls between that has the capability of getting pregnant,” drag queen Rhedd Rhumm said. 

“One more thing, if you enjoy masturbation, let me tell you something, masturbation is self-care,” Rhumm said. “I don’t care what anybody says…That is the act of loving yourself. . . enjoying your time with yourself, putting yourself in the mindset, putting yourself in the mood, getting yourself there, getting yourself to a point of pleasure when you just feel amazing,” he declared. 

Additional performers included the drag queen Vanity Ray, who uses the tagline “the nicest narcissist you’ll ever meet,” drag queen Victoria Courtez, and drag king Maxxx Pleasure, the article notes. 

A biological male undergraduate senior, stage name “Rosa Garnette Quartz,” joined the drag ensemble. He produced a small inflatable male doll dummy in a performance set to music and pretended to disembowel it when the song said “spill your guts on the floor.” 

Now, what in the heck is the purpose of the aforementioned bizarre act? Torture of a plastic male representative is not laughable. 

“Drag’s self-conscious project is quite simply the deconstruction of masculinity. Drag is (traditionally) the male assumption of intentionally implausible and outrageous femininity through makeup, wigs, clothing, speech, demeanor, and the like.” –Darel Paul, First Things  

Someone asked Quartz the name of the doll. “I’ve been calling him ‘the motherf***er’ this entire time,” he responded. 

Oh, I’ve ‘misgendered’ the deviant drag queens. Eek, I hear the pronoun police at my door. (insert Gustopo emoji)

Sadly, woke universities are being infiltrated with unscientific gender ideology that spits in the face of biology, anatomy, physiology, and genetics. Hard science is denied and kicked out the lab door – a mockery of higher education. Up is down. Fact is fiction. The earth is flat. 

Other related articles in The College Fix

Woke education begets unreality. Stupidity begets stupidity. Depravity begets depravity.

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