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Hundreds Of People Protest Drag Show At New Braunfels Church, Texas

Drag Queens
On its Facebook page for the event, the church affirmed that children are welcome to be in attendance. File photo: WhiteHaven, Shutter Stock, licensed.

NEW BRAUNFELS, TX – Being sneaky, drag queens infiltrate churches on private property in order to indoctrinate, groom, and sexualize minors. Being smart, predators go to places with children. Being devious, adult males in female clothing pull upon the heart-strings of caring and clueless Christians that misinterpret the Bible.  

Both protestors and supporters showed up to a recent drag queen event – along with the city of New Braunfels police officers, reported the Herald-Zeitung. 

On its Facebook page for the event, the church affirmed that children are welcome to be in attendance. 

Yes, Christians are called to love sinners, but not to give drag queens access to impressionable children by allowing adult males in dresses, wacky wigs, and lipstick to spew unscientific gender ideology, deny factual biology, and mock females.  

Via The Texan, the Faith Church in New Braunfels has received from the United Church of Christ a designation as an Open and Affirming church, which denotes their “welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.” 

Three drag queens (aka bio males) performed a total of six songs for the crowd inside the church, lip synching to numbers such as “Over the Rainbow” and “Shake it Off,” noted the Herald-Zeitung. 

Ahem. Untalented men in skirts lip synching in a place of worship. The radical LGBTQ and trans mob has found a way to invade the safety of a sanctuary. 

Here’s the kicker. Being con men, the drag queens tie their performances to raising money for a church project or a charity. Oh, how they enjoy bragging about their altruistic contribution to humanity. ( Argh. It’s a game to gain access to minors, corrupt people of faith, and ridicule God. 

Faith United Church of Christ New Braunfels hosted the “Drag Show for a Cause” to benefit Connections Individual and Family Services. The organization provides substance abuse services, counseling and emergency and transitional living for children and families, the article continued. 

Oh, yes. Drag queens know exactly how to dupe misguided and ignorant people.  

Faith UCC pastor Rev. Carla Cheatham said, “We think it’s our job, as we believe Jesus did, to stand with those who are marginalized and oppressed.” 

You can feed wolves in sheep clothing, but don’t set them beside your children at the dinner table.  

And don’t refer to their mental disorder as a civil rights issue if they are trans-identifying men. However, most drag queens are either heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual males. Imagine that.

“Drag Queen Puts Out Music Video Mocking Biblical Christianity and Singing About Indoctrinating Children,” is a 2022 article in The Dissenter. A drag queen and Derek Webb from Caedmon’s Call, a Christian band, released a music video mocking Christianity. Drag queens in hideous attire sing and dance as their lyrics lecture and chastise the people in the pews. Watch the depravity and desecration on YouTube. 

In an analysis for the Daily Wire, Michael Brown notes, “First it was drag queens marching in gay pride parades. Then it was drag queens becoming pop stars on TV. Next it was drag queens advocating for changes in gender categories on Facebook. After then it was drag queens reading to pre-K children in libraries. Now it is drag queens performing in churches. Is anyone surprised?”   

Don’t forget to mention drag queens in the school system and in the military. The well-oiled propaganda machine won’t stop until sane and sensible citizens speak up. 

The Texas Senate recently passed Sen. Bryan Hughes’ (R-Mineola) Senate Bill (SB) 12 that would restrict “certain sexually oriented performances on public property, on the premises of a commercial enterprise, or in the presence of a child,” punishing them as Class A misdemeanors. His SB 1601 also passed, which aims to ban “Drag Queen Story Hour” events by restricting public funds from municipal libraries that host such events. 

After the Senate passed SB 12, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick tweeted on social media: “Someone must fight back against the radical Left’s degradation of our society and values.” 

Kudos to the elected officials in Texas and across the USA for standing up to protect minors.  


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