TALLAHASSEE, FL – Let me be clear: As an adult, I don’t want to see half-naked males or females, whether gay or straight, simulating sexual acts at any public event.
“Here we come to my first issue with BDSM and kink at Pride: consent. You may have no problem parading your sex life down North Halsted in Chicago or through Trafalgar Square in London, but others might not be so willing to participate in your fetish or to even see it. As Pride is held in a public space and is a public event, it should be open to the public while also following the standards of public decency.” – Gay Writer for UK Independent
Furthermore, this column isn’t about drag queens – it’s about gay or straight men showing off their junk at public Pride events across Florida.
Why can’t the LGBTQ community understand that thongs, half-naked outfits, twerking, jerking, sexualized behaviors (aka gyrating, humping, lewd body movements) and kink DO NOT belong in public places where minors (or adults) are in attendance?
Why do gay and bisexual men keeping pushing the sexualized envelope further and further in public spaces during Pride festivals or at any public LGBTQ event?
Gay men, you ARE NOT entitled to nudity, half-nakedness, and committing simulated sexualized behaviors in public. That’s why public indecency laws exist. However, for some reason these laws are not being applied at public Pride events in Florida. Why are police departments allowing it?
I am a freedom-loving citizens, but there have to be standards and laws concerning public places.
Why do many of Florida’s gay elected officials, commissioners, and city council members allow, support, and promote obscenities at public Pride events or just stay silent? LGBTQ officials are elected to work for all citizens – not just homosexual residents.
Gay men in the Sunshine State can enjoy nudity galore at 4 all-male clothing optional resorts in Key West: Island House, New Orleans House, Alexander’s Guesthouse, Equator Resort, Grand Resort and Spa: All Inclusive Gay Resort in Ft Lauderdale, male strip clubs, at gay clothing optional beaches or in their own backyards. Nobody cares if you wear nothing but your birthday suits in designated private areas – and twerk and jerk until the cows come home.
I stand with Gays Against Groomers. “The gay community is not a monolith. Those pushing this agenda do not represent or speak for us all, nor do we want to be associated with them in any way.”
So, go ahead and call me a homophobe, a bigot, or a hater – it matters not. This is NOT a fight against the sensible LGBTQ community – this is a fight against obscenities at public Pride events.
It’s time for reasonable, concerned citizens in Florida to stand up and speak out. Make public Pride parades and events clean or cancel them. It’s that simple.
Any adult that fights for minors to be exposed to nudity, kink, and BDSM at public LGBTQ Pride events needs a psychiatric evaluation.
Any elected official in Florida, whether gay or straight, that promotes nudity, simulated sexual acts, kink, and BDSM at public Pride events needs to be called out or voted out. Do you want Florida to be known as the Pride Kink Capital of the USA? I hope not.
Furthermore, any print or digital media source, whether gay, liberal, or conservative, in Florida that supports obscenities at public Pride events needs to be called out as well. Citizens need to peacefully contact owners, publishers, editors, and journalists.
Of course, militant LGBTQ cult activists will manufacture their own fearmongering spin and proclaim the LGBTQ community is being pushed out of Florida – that’s a big fat lie.
I will be emailing this column to elected officials, police departments, school boards, churches, political parties, media sources, businesses, and other organizations/groups across the Sunshine State; community partners and sponsors of Pride events; Libs of TikTok, James O’Keefe, and other social media influencers.
“Overtly sexualized displays — or in more extreme instances, public sex and nudity — breech the boundaries of good taste and decency even as Pride stretches what is and is not acceptable. It alienates members of our community who are modest, who have ethical or philosophical objections (as many feminists do), who have children, or who simply do not want to participate in your sex life as unwilling voyeurs. BDSM and kink displays deter many of us from attending, including LGBT friends of mine with small kids. Pride should be for everyone in the LGBT community. In order for that to be possible, boundaries must be set and respected.” – Gay Writer for UK Independent
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