Congressman Adam Schiff Could Potentially Be Fined $16 Million for Trump-Russia Collusion “Lies”

Adam Schiff
Congressman Adam Schiff (D) attends House Judiciary Committee field hearing on New York City violent crimes at Javits Federal Building in New York City on April 17, 2023 File photo: Lev Radin, Shutter Stock, licensed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has introduced a resolution that, if passed, would fine Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) $16 million over his “lies” that former president Donald Trump had only won the 2016 presidential election due to his campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russian government. 

A report released by special counsel John Durham last week revealed wide-scale failures on the part of the FBI and no evidence that there was any cooperation between the campaign of Donald Trump and Russia during the election. However, over the years, Luna said, Schiff continuously argued that there was indeed evidence that proved an alliance between the two entities. 

Luna, the chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), said that Schiff had access to information not available to other committee members, and abused his trust by repeatedly referring to evidence that Trump had colluded with Russia; evidence that the reports of both Robert Mueller and John Durham proved was not real. 

“The GOP Conference agrees that Adam Schiff has betrayed the trust of the American people, purposely abused positions of extreme authority, lied continuously, and as such, must be held to account,” Luna said. “Accordingly, the resolution requires Rep. Schiff to pay a $16 million dollar fine, half of the cost American taxpayers were forced to pay for the Russia hoax investigation.” 

“By repeatedly telling these falsehoods, Representative Schiff purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people,” she continued. 

Among the now-debunked evidence that Schiff allegedly “lent credibility” to, according to Luna, includes the infamous “Steele dossier” – created by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele – as well as supporting a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Trump aide Carter Page, even going so far as to publicly accuse Page of being a collaborator with Russians. 

“Representative Schiff exploited his positions on HPSCI to encourage and excuse abusive intelligence investigations of Americans for political purposes,” Luna said. “Representative Schiff used his position and access to sensitive information to instigate a fraudulently based investigation, which he then used to amass political gain and fundraising dollars.” 

This week’s resolution goes along with a separate one Luna introduced last week that alleges that Schiff abused his position on the House Intelligence Committee and states that he should be expelled from Congress altogether. 

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