Befuddled Biden “Goes Off Script” Revealing Bizarre Plan to Build Railroad “Across Indian Ocean” – “I’m Going To Get In Trouble”

While speaking to the League of Conservation Voters in Washington D.C., Biden appeared to temporarily veer from his prepared speech – something he said could get him “in trouble” – and began telling listeners about his purported new railway plan. Image: Twitter / RNC Research

WASHINGTON D.C. – An apparently befuddled President Joe Biden, while speaking at a reelection campaign event Wednesday evening, left the audience – and later, users of social media – scratching their heads after appearing to reveal bizarre plans to construct a railroad starting from the Pacific Ocean and stretching all the way “across the Indian Ocean.” 

While speaking to the League of Conservation Voters in Washington D.C., Biden appeared to temporarily veer from his prepared speech – something he said could get him “in trouble” – and began telling listeners about his purported new railway plan. 

“We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean,” Biden said. “We have plans to build in Angola, one of the largest solar plants in the world. I could go on, but I’m not. I’m going off script. I’m going to get in trouble.” 

While at the event, Biden received endorsements for his campaign from four groups: League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, NextGen PAC, NRDC Action Fund and the Sierra Club. 

Once video of his speech was uploaded to the internet, social media users immediately began taking potshots at the president, mocking his strange claim of an “ocean train” and once again bringing up previously expressed concerns over his current cognitive state. 

Fox News contributor and former GOP Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted, “Bold initiative, Mr. President.” 

Senator Josh Hawley’s press secretary Abigail Marone issued a tweet, saying, “Put Grandpa to bed.” 

Republican consultant Matt Whitlock tweeted, “That is going to be a heck of a railroad.” 

Several media outlets reached out to the White House for comment, hoping to clear up what Biden was actually attempting to communicate, but they had not heard back as of press time. 

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