Oklahoma Couple Charged After Rotting Body of Missing Baby Daughter Found in Dresser

The Morgan County Coroner’s Office released their autopsy findings this week, noting that the toddler’s leg had been broken at the knee and that she had died from “unspecified means” while ruling the case a homicide. 
The Morgan County Coroner’s Office released their autopsy findings this week, noting that the toddler’s leg had been broken at the knee and that she had died from “unspecified means” while ruling the case a homicide. 

MORGAN COUNTY, OK – An Oklahoma woman and her boyfriend have been charged with murder after the decomposing body of a missing 1-year-old girl was found in a dresser drawer in Indiana, police say. 

Oaklee Mae Snow Had originally been reported missing in January; however, her grisly remains were found during a national search rotting in a dresser in an abandoned home near Martinsville on April 21. 

The Morgan County Coroner’s Office released their autopsy findings this week, noting that the toddler’s leg had been broken at the knee and that she had died from “unspecified means” while ruling the case a homicide. 

Police say that Oaklee’s mother, Madison Marshall – who is charged with two counts of neglect of a dependent resulting in death and assisting a criminal – confessed to the part she played in the child’s death, and even led police to where her body was hidden. 

In addition, Marshall’s boyfriend, Roan Waters, is facing murder and multiple charges relating to neglect of a child’s well-being after Oaklee’s mother claimed he murdered her child. 

In January, Marshall and Waters reportedly took Oaklee and her 7-month-old brother from their father’s home without his permission. They then took the two children to Indiana and stayed in a house where the couple indulged in drugs, cops say. (https://www.keithmcquirter.com)  

Oaklee was killed on February 9 after she began crying because she was hungry, waking the couple up. Marshall told police that Waters had thrown the toddler to the floor, where she hit her head and became unresponsive as blood and saliva dripped from her mouth. Waters then prevented Marshall from calling 911, she claimed. 

The two later got in a car and drove to Morgan County, where the dead baby’s remains were disposed of, according to Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears. 

“Oaklee’s time on this earth was very much defined by adults abusing her and the allegation here is that abuse eventually led to her death,” Mears said. 

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