SALEM, MA – “The Satanic Temple is at it again, this time traveling across the nation to oppose Christian worship in every state capital,” reports an article for Intercessors For America (IFA).
The minions of the demonic darkness are focusing on Sean Feucht, a musician, speaker, missionary, and activist. Feucht began his Kingdom to the Capitol tour in 2023, aiming to bring his Let Us Worship movement to every state capital in America.
As part of the “avant-industrial” band Satanic Planet and founder of The Satanic Temple (TST), Lucien Greaves is planning to perform in every state capital Feucht visits. Mocking Feucht’s “Let Us Worship” title, Greaves has titled his own tour “Let Us Burn.”
“Satanic Planet announced the endeavor on Twitter in a video filled with profanity and mockery. You can watch the announcement video here, but be forewarned that it is exactly as profane, unpleasant, and discomforting as you would expect it to be,” the IFA article continues.
Additionally, TST is launching its own satanic news show on the platform, titled Satanic Information Network (SIN).
“Shockingly, TST is also considering creating its own school, following approval of Oklahoma’s first taxpayer-funded religious charter school. What would a satanic school for our kids even look like?” the article asks.
Of course, perverts, predators, and pedophiles always go after the children.
TST’s statue of Baphomet depicts two young children gazing up and smiling at a goat-headed, winged creature.
Who and what is Baphomet?
Most portrayals of Baphomet contain a pentagram on its forehead and is part-animal, part-human as well as part-female, part-male, a conglomeration of opposites. “Many of the more modern depictions of Baphomet include phallic and sexual symbols as well as more contrasting elements such as white and dark moons. Most modern depictions often have Baphomet doing a two-fingered salute, a common occultist gesture.”
Who and what is Satan?
“Better known as Satan or the devil, Lucifer started out as one of God’s angels, but was banished from heaven for his prideful desire to be elevated above God. Now he’ll try anything possible to keep you out of heaven, too. He spends his time preying on our very souls, using our pride to trap us, our guilt to enslave us, and our weakness to give into temptation and lead us into an eternity separated from our loving God.”
“Lucifer became so impressed with his own beauty, intelligence, power, and position that he began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belonged to God alone. This pride represents the actual beginning of sin in the universe—preceding the fall of the human Adam by an indeterminate time.”
Why do people deny, hate, or blame God?
Columnist Robin Schumacher wrote: Top Three Reasons People Reject Christianity in a piece for the Christian Post. “The point is, the existence of evil, not obtaining the outcome of prayer that one desires, and flawed characters of God-followers are found everywhere in the Bible,” surmises Schumacher.
It has long been recognized that experience with an earthly father deeply informs the perspective about the heavenly father. In her book “How the West Really Lost God” sociologist Mary Eberstadt asserts, “The fortunes of religion rise or fall with the state of the family.”
Interestingly, mental health therapists take a history of the family origin, relationships with parents, sibling, relatives, and traumatic events during childhood for answers that influence behavioral health disorders, addictions, crimes.
What can you do?
- Pray that Lucien Greaves and his followers will find Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Join IFA, find your state chapter, and attend online prayer groups.
- Satanic Planet is also the handiwork of Luke Henshaw (Planet B, Sonido de la Frontera), Dave Lombardo (Slayer, The Misfits, Mr. Bungle, Suicidal Tendencies, Dead Cross), and Justin Pearson (The Locust, Dead Cross, Swing Kids, Deaf Club). Pray for this list of lost people that are being controlled by Satan’s evil agenda.
- With boldness and compassion, speak the truth about God’s saving grace and salvation.
- Attend peaceful protests.
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