IRVING, TX – We need to support assistant news director, Amy Fox, as a hero of ethical journalism – not a villain as labeled by radical LGBTQ cancel culture cultists.
“Media bias is one thing. Rejection of reality is another.” – Chuck Todd
“We need to recognize that some stories related to LGBTQ issues are going to be controversial and polarizing in our community,” Fox wrote. “While you personally may not agree with a certain position, people are entitled to their opinions and they are our viewers.”
I agree with Fox.
“If we are covering Pride events, we need to consider how to make the story balanced and get both sides of the issue,” she added. Fox further emphasized the need to examine the “newsworthy-ness” of Pride events before covering them, saying that the station doesn’t “cover every event or festival that happens in West Michigan.”
My question: Since when is covering both sides of a news story seen as unethical, hate-filled, and dubious?
Freedom of speech and freedom of the press was attacked by its’ own reporters, journalists, and staff. Argh! Once again, members of the woke mind virus club blasted the very foundation of journalism.
“The greatest threat to America is not necessarily a recession or even another terrorist attack. The greatest threat to America is a liberal media bias.” –Lamar Smith
Nexstar, the nation’s largest operator of local TV stations is conducting an investigation after a news director at a Michigan station told its journalists to scale back its Pride Month coverage and “get both sides” on LGBTQ issues as reported by CNN Business.
Ahem. Nexstar needs to revisit the journalistic integrity manifesto on their own website.
Side bar: What a joke – CNN virtue-signaling another news station. It’s certainly an upside-down clown world of mainstream mafia journalism. The militant LGBTQ bullies are at it again.
“Our newsroom immediately stood up to the 2 managers who wrote a memo mandating that we cover ‘the other side’ of Pride events,” WOOD-TV anchor Michele DeSelms wrote on Twitter. “Essentially requiring us to give equal time to hate and discrimination.”
Luke Stier and Madeline Odle, executive producers at the station, also “publicly expressed outrage over the directive.” The station’s chief meteorologist, Ellen Bacca, wrote on Twitter that the newsroom “is not standing for it.”
Sane and sensible public viewers need to peacefully express outrage over censorship of their news by intimidating tyrants calling themselves professionals.
So, DeSelms, Stier, and Odle support censorship and telling only one side – their side of the LGBTQ Pride events. Why am I not surprised or shocked? They represent other mockingbirds of the mob media (aka liberal hiveminds) that fight to control the narrative of news. And any boss, coworker, viewer, or citizen that disagrees is labeled as a hater, a discriminator, a bigot.
Here’s the kicker: AP News, another biased duster, reported that the general manager of a television news station in western Michigan has apologized after staff received a memo telling reporters to cover fewer LGBTQ+ events during Pride Month.
Albeit, the liberal Left wants to continue to force LGBTQ Pride Month events down the throats of community viewers. And they become hopping mad when asked to implement equal, balanced, and fair coverage. REPORTER HIPPOCRITES R US.
Kudos to Amy Fox and the managers for advocating fairness in reporting. Stand your ground or lose it.
“The pen had been mightier than the sword but then the tongue took over.” –Amit Abraham
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