MONTGOMERY, AL – Another woke, liberal, hate-spewing group (aka Southern Poverty Law Center) appears to be experiencing financial problems. Hmmm. I wonder why. Let the begging and pleading begin:
“I’m Derwyn Bunton, the chief legal officer at the SPLC. On behalf of the SPLC’s Legal department, I am writing with an urgent request for your immediate assistance in increasing our resources.”
Let the fearmongering rhetoric begin:
“In the Deep South especially, we are seeing some of the ugliest, most brazen state and local government assaults on voting rights, civil rights, and human rights since the worst days of Jim Crow. Still, the SPLC will never back down from racist, hate-fueled bullies, no matter how powerful they are. Will you make a special gift today to show our legal team that they’re not alone?”
Let the fairy tale fallacy begin:
“But the explosive growth of white supremacist, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and other hate driven ideologies — across the Deep South and beyond — is putting unprecedented pressure on our resources and on our litigation team’s ability to win critical legal battles.”
Peruse my previous column about the SPLC HERE. As stated by Taylor O’Neil, senior editor of PJ Media, the SPLC needs to “drop their demonization, their defamation, and their lying to their donors.” Read O’Neil’s 2020 book, “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
In September 2017, forty-seven organizations wrote an open letter to the media, warning that “the SPLC is an attack dog of the political left” and should not be considered an unbiased hate monitor. “To associate public interest law firms and think tanks with neo-Nazis and the KKK is unconscionable, and represents the height of irresponsible journalism,” the letter warned. “All reputable news organizations should immediately stop using the SPLC’s descriptions of individuals and organizations…”
In April 2019, sixty-seven nonprofit groups released another open letter to the media, emphasizing the racism and sexism scandal at the SPLC in March. “Today’s SPLC is aggressively anti-Christian and morally bankrupt—both inside and out. It attacks anyone who disagrees with its far-left agenda, smearing them with lies and grossly mischaracterizing their work.
Read my opinion piece “Woke Southern Poverty Law Center Puts Out Community Guide To Usurp Parents And Indoctrinate Their Children” HERE.
What others say about SPLC:
“The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate-based scam that nearly caused me to be murdered,” is the title of a 2019 opinion piece in USA Today by Jessica Prol Smith, senior news writer and editor for Alliance Defending Freedom.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center is a ‘scam’” is a 2019 commentary in The Washington Examiner. “The Southern Poverty Law Center’s problems go well beyond the fact it’s a vicious, left-wing attack dog with no care whatsoever for the reputational and personal harm it causes by lumping Christians and anti-extremist activists with actual neo-Nazis.”
“The Southern Poverty Law Center is rightly seen as a pernicious and loathsome racket,” according to a 2014 article in National Review.
By the way, SPLC listed the Republican-connected “parents’ rights” group Moms for Liberty as an “anti-government extremist” organization in its latest Year in Hate & Extremism report.
“Moms for Liberty welcomes all that have a desire to stand up for parental rights at all levels of government.” Find your state chapter HERE.
During a recent U.S. Senate hearing Senator Josh Hawley reveled that the FBI used SPLC information to designate “traditional Catholics” as a terrorist risk.
What’s next? SPLC going after Christian grannies for baking cookies for the youth group or children for participating in traditional church Christmas plays about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Will the future show SPLC fading into the sunset and closing their doors? If so, then justice will be served.
“For people who are worried about whether a new woke ideology has taken over philanthropy, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that it is everywhere. From the biggest foundations to the smallest nonprofits, an agenda of racial equity and identity politics is pervasive. The good news, though, is that this ideology is so divorced from reality that it might spell the end of many of these organizations,” purports a 2021 article in The National Review.
Take a look at my recent commentary “Woke Mother Jones Magazine Begs For Financial Help From Subscribers & Readers – So Cringey” HERE.
“Go Woke, Go Broke? Millennials Say It’s True,” says a recent article for Newsweek. The poll for Newsweek found that of those who were aware of the phrase “go woke, go broke,” 72 percent of 25-34-year-olds and 70 percent of 35-44-year-olds agreed with the sentiment it expressed.
Hasta luego to Southern Poverty Law Center. It wasn’t nice knowing ya.
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