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NJ GOP Mayor Who Upholds U.S. Flag Over LGBTQ Flag Is Ousted; Sad Day For Freedom-Loving Patriots

Mayor Mosca was refusing to fly a group’s unique symbolism. He was not discriminating against LGBTQ citizens. It wasn’t hatred, bigotry, or homophobia. 
Mayor Mosca was refusing to fly a group’s unique symbolism. He was not discriminating against LGBTQ citizens. It wasn’t hatred, bigotry, or homophobia. 

ROCHELLE PARK, NJ – It is a sad day in our great land of liberty when elected officials vote out a mayor for standing up for the red-white-blue symbol of freedom over a rainbow flag that represents LGBTQ community members. When a mayor speaks out for equal rights for all citizens and refuses to give special rights to a minority group and he is fired sends the message that LGBTQ citizens are treated with more rights than the other residents.  

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Arrogance, entitlement, and bullying won in Rochelle Park. The radical LGBTQ people that threw toddler tantrums at the town meeting were rewarded with preferential treatment – victimology prevailed. 

Woke Republicans voted with the woke Democrats. 

Watch the Black Conservative Perspective on YouTube. “The state cannot give any type of favoritism to any group of people,” the podcast host responds. “The local GOP is woke.” 

Equality lost. The city council members trampled upon the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

Townhall reported: A New Jersey Republican mayor was removed from his position after his party ousted him over a flag controversy. Rochelle Park Mayor Perrin Mosca refused to fly a Pride flag outside town hall because he feels any flag that singles out a particular group should not be flown. The only flag that should be visible is the American flag, which now-ex-Mayor Mosca felt was the consensus (via News 12 The Bronx).  

My position is that private flags do not belong on public property. The only flags that represent the entire community of Rochelle Park are the American Flag, the NJ state flag, the County flag and our Township flag. All other flags will only create division and open up our township to a myriad of other issues. I am not the only one who believes this to be the best policy,” stated Mosca. 

Mayor Mosca was refusing to fly a group’s unique symbolism. He was not discriminating against LGBTQ citizens. It wasn’t hatred, bigotry, or homophobia. 

The kicker is that woke virtue-signaling Republicans voted him out as well as dimwitted Democrats. They kowtowed to the gay mob mentality because of LGBTQ Pride Month and cancel culture. It’s not enough for militant gay citizens to celebrate for an entire month annually – they demand that others bow down to their agenda. 

I want to give a shoutout to Gays Against Groomers – sane and sensible LGBTQ citizens that don’t expect the world to shine their shoes. People that don’t shove their sexual orientation down the throat of other citizens.  

Kudos to Rochelle Park Mayor Perrin Mosca for standing up for equality, fairness, and impartiality for all the citizens he represented. “We the People.”   

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” – Lyrics from the national anthem of the United States 


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