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Biden’s Leading Us to Fascism

The Biden’s now rule supreme, untouchable by the laws of this land and leaving us all at the mercy of them and their employers which certainly include China, Russia and Ukraine, among others. File photo: Alexandros Michailidis, Shutter Stock, licensed.

BOCA RATON, FL – I’d always wondered how the “Good” Germans back in 1932 felt as they saw their nation suddenly engulfed by Fascism. Were they frustrated at the exuberant willingness of their neighbors, friends and relatives to throw their democracy under the bus, as Americans are now doing? Were they shocked at the brazen, overt illegality of the Hitler followers’ takeover of their courts, law enforcement and military as is now being completed in America? When the Hitler-led opponents of the Weimar Republic used corruption, violence and threats of violence to remove the liberties of the people, citizens sat back and did nothing. And before they knew it look what happened.

Do you see the same scenario taking place now, here in America, with different actors, different scenarios, but the same creeping strangulation of our freedoms taking place as we stand, apparently helpless, frozen, while totalitarianism shrouds our land? Our leader, this time a childlike, over the hill, but still powerful manipulator, whose cunning, criminal roots go back 53 years during which time he used his offices to enrich his family and himself with fortunes in the tens of millions by selling whatever political powers and authority that his constituents unwittingly gave him with their votes, calms us with his trained, crooked, evil smile.

We see the federal agencies such as the FBI, the Justice Department, the IRS, all formerly independent and noted for their strict adherence to the laws of the land, now corrupted and part and parcel of the Democrat Party and their current leadership in the White House. We see how the Biden Crime Family is now above the law. These rules, supposedly universal and equally dispensed for all of us, have openly, for over 45 years of Joe Biden’s terms in elected positions of power, been ignored in order for this criminal team to openly flout them and through the years, permitted “The Family” to sell themselves and this nation off to the highest international bidders, to serve at their behest. They are above the law. Criminals. At this point, there’s no telling just what national secrets, military or otherwise, have been transferred to both our enemies and our friends.

At this point in time, we must consider that each and every federal agency has been corrupted to keep “The Family” in power. The Biden’s now rule supreme, untouchable by the laws of this land and leaving us all at the mercy of them and their employers which certainly include China, Russia and Ukraine, among others. We are in deep doo and questions arise as to if and when we can ever uncover their criminal actions and make them pay for their criminality. We put them in power and they have now the power over us.

The call is to wake up, expose, incriminate and remove them from their omnipotence. Hopefully, at the ballot box but firstly they must be exposed, humiliated and denounced by the people. That will take courage. Do we have it?

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