Jessica Hanna obituary: Catholic Mother is No More


According to her family, Jessica Hanna, a pro-life activist and mother of four Catholic children, passed away on April 6 after deciding not to pursue medical treatments to protect her unborn child.

Jessica Hanna Obituary:

According to her family, Jessica Hanna, a pro-life activist and mother of four Catholic children, passed away on April 6 after deciding not to pursue medical treatments to protect her unborn child.
She used the Instagram username @blessed_by_cancer, and her husband, Lamar, announced the news of her dying there.
Lamar Hanna stated, “My beautiful bride Jessica peacefully went to her eternal reward at 8:02 p.m. on Saturday, April 6.” Father Canon Sharpe granted her apostolic forgiveness and extreme unction on Thursday. She passed away on Saturday, surrounded by her devoted family, in a state of great tranquillity. Simply put, the cancer was too aggressive. She endured her final days with delight and without dread. Please remember to pray for our family.

Hanna began contributing her pro-life testimony to EWTN Pro-Life Weekly in 2022. She was 14 weeks pregnant with her youngest son, Thomas, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer two years prior. She was recommended to undergo an abortion by many doctors, but she refused.
Following surgery, the tumour’s size was shown to be 13 centimetres, and 43 nearby lymph nodes had malignancy. The physicians were unable to do a full body scan to check for the spread of the disease because of her pregnancy.

As a devoted Catholic, Hanna leaned on her religion to get through the ordeal. Blessed Father Solanus Casey was the object of her particular devotion. After every chemotherapy treatment during her pregnancy, she would pray at Casey’s grave in the Detroit area.
She credited Casey’s intervention when her tests after giving birth revealed no evidence of her cancer having progressed to any other organs or lymph nodes. But the cancer came back in 2022, this time at stage 4.

A Community of Faith Enabled by Social Media in the Battle Against Cancer:

Before receiving her illness, Hanna sensed a summons from God. Two days after receiving her diagnosis, she opened a social media account since she didn’t know what the future held for her. She wanted to share her story with others and start a community where she could pray with her followers and give up her suffering for their goals. (
“I believed that no suffering ought to be in vain,” Hanna stated to EWTN Pro-Life Weekly. “I have no idea where God has me going. Will he lead me down a path where I must teach others how to pass away with his kindness and grace? Or will he perform a miracle?
“I decided to utilize social media to demonstrate to others that having faith in God is more essential than worrying about what you believe may happen. You will put your personal needs and wishes aside, leave them at the foot of the cross, and entrust him to handle them.

Hanna’s Instagram account amassed more than 45,000 followers over time. Here, she gave her followers health updates, prayed for anyone who reached out to her with good intentions and demonstrated to them what it meant to give up one’s sorrows and suffer with grace.
She posted on March 29, saying, “I’m here, in my Good Friday.” I had acute cardiac problems during this Lenten season, which required heart surgery and a drain. After several difficulties and another lung surgery, I moved from the intensive care unit to the main floor.
She added, “The distinction between and Jesus is that I deserve my time here, walking to Calvary, while he most definitely did not.” “In actuality, many of his terrible sufferings were caused by my faults. For me, my suffering is a sacrifice made back to him to make up for the transgressions I have committed throughout my life and work with the body of Christ to make amends for others.

She stated, “I should be bold enough to accept my penance if I was bold enough to commit such crimes of sin.”
But don’t forget that she said every Good Friday is followed by an Easter Sunday. “Resurrection follows death—Christ made it possible.” Hanna departs from her spouse and their four kids.

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