Sheila Jackson Lee Diagnosed With Cancer: Know More Here


US congressman Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat, announced that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and that she could need to be “occasionally absent” from Capitol Hill as part of her treatment.

The 74-year-old Texas representative said, “I stand in faith that God will strengthen me,” in a prepared statement that was posted on X on Sunday and hinted at her Christian religious beliefs. She also said that “the road ahead will not be easy.”

Although pancreatic cancer frequently results in death, Jackson Lee, whose predominately liberal district includes a portion of Houston, did not provide the details of her prognosis.

Her statement said she was “undergoing treatment to battle this disease that [affects] tens of thousands of Americans every year”. It also said: “I am confident that my doctors have developed the best possible plan to target my specific disease.

“Please keep me and my family in your prayers as you have always done. Know that you will remain in mine.”

Since 1995, Jackson Lee has served in Congress. With 60% of the district’s votes, she defeated former congressional intern Amanda Edwards’ intra-party contest in March.

Her triumph in the primary prepared her to challenge Republican Lana Centonze for reelection in November, when her rival’s party will attempt to hang onto a slim majority in the US House.

In December, Jackson Lee decided to run for mayor of Houston, relying on her popularity and tenure in her congressional district. However, she was defeated by fellow Democrat and former state senator John Whitmire, 65% to roughly 35%.

A few days after losing to Whitmire, the member of the Congressional Black Caucus submitted an application to be re-elected to her position.

A small group of Congressional Black Caucus members, including Jackson Lee, were detained in Washington, DC, during a demonstration in the summer of 2021 against the legislature’s slow progress in enacting laws safeguarding voting rights.

At the time of her detention, she and other demonstrators were outside the Hart Senate office building.

“Any action that is a peaceful action of civil disobedience is worthy and more – to push all of us to do better,” Jackson Lee, whose state is one of the hardest places to vote in the US, said at the time.

Jackson Lee made a commitment in her statement on Sunday to collaborate with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat, and House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, “to be present for votes on legislation that is critical for the prosperity and security of the American people.”

“By God’s grace, I will be back at full strength soon,” Jackson Lee’s statement said.

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