Angie Harmon’s 18-Year-Old Daughter Arrested In North Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina, authorities detained the daughter of Angie Harmon.

Fox News Digital confirmed that Avery Sehorn was charged with felony burglary and theft on June 6. Jason Sehorn, an NFL player, and Angie’s ex-husband are Avery’s parents. Additionally, the ex-couple has two daughters: Finley, 20, and Emery, 15.
An incident report that Fox News Digital was able to get states that the event happened in Charlotte, North Carolina’s World Night Club around 11:30 p.m. Sehorn is charged with breaking into the club and taking six $500 liquor bottles.
The owner of the club claims that Sehorn was with two 17-year-old guys, according to local publication WCCB. The club owner believes the group entered through the back door, hid behind the bar, and consumed the alcohol.
June 2 marked Avery’s high school graduation.
Harmon did not immediately answer a request for comment from Fox News Digital.
Angie posted two videos and a picture of her daughter with Avery at her high school commencement earlier this month on Instagram to commemorate her daughter’s accomplishment.
“We are all immensely proud of you Avery! You have overcome & conquered & excelled to shine brightly with the stars!” Harmon’s caption said. “Remember to leave every place better than you found it & we are all so excited to see what God has planned for you!”
Harmon gained notoriety a few months back when she claimed that her dog had been shot and killed by an Instacart driver in March.
According to court records obtained by Fox News Digital, Harmon filed a lawsuit against the driver and Instacart in a North Carolina court last month for negligence/gross negligence, trespass, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of harm.
To determine the monetary damages, which Harmon said surpassed $25,000, the actress asked for a jury trial.
Easter weekend saw the purportedly lethal shooting of Harmon’s dog, Oliver, just after a guy brought an order to the “Rizzoli & Isles” star’s residence.
“He got out of his car, delivered the food & THEN shot our dog,” Harmon wrote on Instagram at the time. “Our ring camera was charging in the house, which he saw & then knew he wasn’t being recorded.”
The delivery driver allegedly stated that he was acting in “self-defence,” and the police released him.
“He did not have a scratch or bite on him nor were his pants torn,” she alleged.
“He was shopping under a woman’s identity named Merle… the pic is on my story,” she added. Harmon shared a screenshot of the delivery confirmation which featured a photo of a woman.
Harmon said that the police ended the investigation before the dog could be necropsied and only spoke with the driver after they got to the house.
Harmon told “Good Morning America” in an interview that a necropsy done on the dog later revealed no evidence that the animal had bitten or severely assaulted anyone.
“It’s so unfathomable to think that there is somebody in your front driveway that just fired a gun,” she said. “And you don’t ever forget that sound.
“He shot our dog with my daughters & me at home & just kept saying, ‘Yeah, I shot your dog. Yeah, I did,'” she explained. “We are completely traumatized & beyond devastated at the loss of our beloved boy & family member.”
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