Family Files Lawsuit Against Makers of ‘One Chip Challenge’ After Son’s Death


A family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the manufacturers of the “One Chip Challenge”, a spicy tortilla chip, after their son’s tragic death. The boy had consumed the chip, packaged in a coffin-shaped box, before his passing.

The lawsuit alleges negligence in the manufacturing and marketing of the chip, specifically designed to be extremely spicy and marketed as a social media challenge. Despite warnings on the packaging, the family claims the companies failed to prevent child access and continued to market to minors despite reports of illnesses.

The family’s attorney states that the chip was “dangerous” and the companies created a “perfect storm” leading to the boy’s death. The lawsuit seeks punitive damages and justice for the family, serving as a warning to companies endangering children’s lives.

The manufacturer, Paqui, has expressed sadness over the boy’s death and will defend against allegations. The company had removed the chip from shelves and discontinued the challenge after the incident.

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