Family Demands Answers After Cop Shoots and Kills their Dog


Iowa: A tragic incident unfolded in Davenport, Iowa, when a police officer responding to a call about aggressive dogs shot and killed a family’s pet in front of two young boys and their mother. The incident occurred on the night of August 21, when Officer Ethan Bock arrived at the home of Afghanistan military veteran Don Hesseltine. The family’s dog, Myst, a two-year-old, was off-leash and walking alongside the boys as they returned home on their bikes. When the officer approached the lawn, Myst ran toward him, barking and baring its teeth. Bock, fearing for his safety, fired two shots, killing the dog on the spot.

Family Demands Answers After Cop Shoots and Kills their Dog
Source: Law & Crime

Officer’s Perspective and Family’s Heartbreak

According to Officer Bock’s account, Myst charged at him, barking aggressively and baring its teeth. The officer stated that he attempted to calm the dog by extending his hand, hoping the dog would catch his scent and retreat. However, Bock said that Myst lunged at him multiple times, snapping its teeth in an attempt to bite. Fearing serious injury, Bock drew his service weapon and, while backing up, fired two shots that struck Myst.

The bodycam footage captured the tragic moment, with Bock reporting, “Shots fired. I just shot a dog.” The video also showed the family’s shock and despair as the dog, fatally wounded, ran back toward the house, whimpering. The boys’ mother could be heard screaming in horror, while one of the boys broke down in tears. The video, shared by Hesseltine, has left the family scarred, with Hesseltine describing the shooting as an execution.

Community Outcry and Family’s Struggle for Justice

The incident has sparked outrage within the Davenport community, with Hesseltine taking his grievances to social media and city council meetings. He accused Officer Bock of being “trigger happy” and likened him to a character from the action film John Wick. Hesseltine expressed his anger over the loss of Myst, who he said was more than just a pet but a beloved family member who had grown up with his children. His emotional outburst at a city council meeting, where he was told his time to speak had expired, further highlighted the family’s pain. Hesseltine flipped over a lectern and swore while wearing a T-shirt that read, “It wasn’t just a puppy.” Supporters in the audience chanted, “Let him speak! Let him speak!” as the scene unfolded.

Family Demands Answers After Cop Shoots and Kills their Dog
Source: New York Post

Hesseltine and his supporters are questioning why lethal force was the officer’s first option, arguing that the situation did not warrant such an extreme response. Hesseltine remarked that it “doesn’t make any sense” for deadly force to be used in a situation involving a barking dog that, at worst, might have been nipping at the officer’s feet. The Davenport Police Department has defended the shooting as “lawful,” but the incident has left a deep emotional wound in the Hesseltine family and raised concerns about the use of force in similar situations. The community continues to rally around the family, demanding accountability and justice for Myst.

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