Florida man wearing ankle monitor attempts kidnapping in Walmart parking lot
An ankle monitor-wearing man who allegedly attempted to kidnap a woman in a Walmart parking lot was taken into custody by Orlando, Florida, police. Around 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Orlando Police Department officers were called to a Walmart on South Goldenrod Road close to Market Place Drive in reference to an armed robbery and possible kidnapping. Juan Marcos Perez, 54, is the culprit, according to the police, who approached the victim after pacing the parking lot. According to police, Perez forced the woman into the car’s trunk after taking out a knife and holding it to her throat.

The victim attempted to fight back, according to a probable cause arrest affidavit that local Fox affiliate WOFL was able to obtain. Perez allegedly threatened to cut the victim’s throat if she persisted in this behavior.
According to the police, Perez fled after a spectator intervened. The affidavit stated that the witness later testified to police that she witnessed Perez attempting to shove the victim in and that the victim’s “legs flailing out of the trunk.” After stopping her vehicle, the witness got out to see if the woman needed assistance. Perez is said to have fled at that point.
“It is not what you envision,” It is said that 13-year-old girls beat the 93-year-old great-grandmother to death with a hatchet till her face vanished. A woman takes on the persona of her mutilated friend and embezzles $200,000 from her benefits. When the victim’s bones are discovered in a smoldering bag by the side of the road, a woman takes on the identity of her mutilated friend and embezzles $200,000 of her benefits: The Sheriff
Perez was recognized by police as a potential suspect after they discovered that he was on parole, a registered sex offender, and had previously been found guilty of kidnapping. According to the affidavit, his parole officer positively identified him as the culprit using a security camera. Perez wore a GPS ankle monitor, the parole officer informed the police. According to the monitor’s data, he was present in Walmart when the armed robbery and kidnapping occurred.
On Tuesday, Perez was brought into custody and lodged in the Orange County Jail, facing accusations of armed robbery, attempted kidnapping, and severe violence using a deadly weapon. He remains there without bond. His next court date is scheduled for Sept. 10.
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