Abortion Ban Causes A US Woman’s Death By Delaying Her Medical Attention


Georgia: Due to Georgia’s six-week abortion ban, complications during an abortion procedure claimed the life of 28 year old single mother Amber Nicole Thurman. After Roe v. Wade, this is the first confirmed fatality connected to such bans. A state committee determined that she could have avoided dying if prompt medical attention had been given.

Abortion Is Banned In Georgia

When Thurman found out she was expecting twins, she went for an abortion. She left Georgia to visit North Carolina, where abortions are legal beyond 20 weeks, after the state’s six-week abortion restriction went into effect. She started bleeding heavily after taking misoprostol and mifepristone, but problems soon followed. There was still embryonic tissue to remove, and a dilation and curettage (D&C) treatment was required to stop the infection.

Cause Of Death Of Amber Nicole Thurman

Thurman didn’t live close by, so the North Carolina clinic was unable to do the D&C. Eventually, Thurman was brought to an Atlanta suburbia hospital. She displayed symptoms of infection, but the D&C was not given to her until the following day, which resulted in her death during the procedure. According to ProPublica, the Georgia maternal mortality review committee concluded that she would have likely survived if she had had a D&C sooner.

Abortion Prohibition

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that there are exceptions to abortion prohibitions in order to save the life of the expectant mother, but uncertainty among healthcare professionals regarding when they can do so fearlessly emergency care has been delayed as a result of prosecution. Black women have been disproportionately affected by this, as they Males 2.6 times more likely than women to pass away from pregnancy-related reasons. A Texas woman named Yenifer Alvarez-Estrada Glick is said to have passed away earlier this year due to complications from a high July 2022 is a risk pregnancy month.

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