Ahmad Alissa Who Killed 10 People At Colorado Grocery Is On Trial; Check The Full Details


COLORADO: Jurors have started deliberations over whether to convict a mentally ill man who claimed to have heard killing voices of murder for the 2021 supermarket shooting deaths of ten people, or to find him not guilty due to insanity. Prosecutors contended in Friday’s closing arguments that Ahmad Alissa, a schizophrenic, demonstrated he was legally sound and understood right from wrong by gathering weapons and ammo to carry out the maximum number of killings in the Boulder, Colorado, shooting incident.

Ahmad Alissa’s Claim Of Hearing Voices

However, Alissa told state psychologists he heard voices yelling in his brain before the shooting, including what he described as murderous voices, defense attorney Kathryn Herold told jurors. According to the psychologists who assessed Alissa’s mental state at the time of the filming, he never gave specifics on the nature of the voices or what they said.

Alissa did, however, share with them his belief that if he carried out a mass shooting, voices could cease. The specialists believed Alissa’s mental illness had something to do with the voices he was hearing, and they did not think the attack would have occurred otherwise. According to Colorado law, being insane means suffering from a mental illness that is so severe that it prevents a person from knowing what is right and wrong.

Closing Arguments Of Both Prosecution And Defense

On Friday, the Boulder grocery store shoting trial’s prosecution and defense both gave closing arguments. Wednesday marked the conclusion of the trial’s witness testimony. The gunman is charged with opening fire on March 22, 2021, at the South Table Mesa King Soopers, killing ten people. Jurors are tasked with determining whether gunman Ahmad Alissa, who has acknowledged to the crime, was mentally competent at the time of the assault.

Witnesses who were inside the store during the shooting and the police officers who were on the scene first in response to reports of the shooting testified on behalf of the defense. Alissa is currently being charged with multiple offenses, including ten counts of first-degree murder. He has entered a not guilty by reason of madness plea.

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