‘Fast and furious’: Residents Describe Twister Spawned by Milton that Devastated Palm Beach


A massive tornado, spun off by Hurricane Milton, ripped through central Palm Beach County, leaving a path of destruction from Wellington to Loxahatchee and Palm Beach Gardens.

‘Fast and furious': Residents Describe Twister Spawned by Milton that Devastated Palm Beach
Source: NBC 6

Trail of Destruction from Wellington to Palm Beach Gardens

The powerful twister tore homes apart, flipped cars, and uprooted trees, including resilient oak trees. Ricardo Johnson, a resident, witnessed the tornado’s aftermath firsthand. “The vehicle was parked over here to my left and with the tornado coming through the neighborhood, it ended up on the roof, nose down, and the pressure kind of blew through all the windows,” Johnson explained. He was stunned to find his car on top of his house and his roof missing. “We just hunkered down in our safe space and fortunately, we’re fine.”

Sudden Fury: Witnesses Describe the Tornado’s Impact

For many residents, the tornado struck with little warning and left a devastating impact. Dave Darnell, who witnessed the tornado approach, described the scene. “I could see a thousand feet into the air, spinning debris, big debris, and it was coming down from the south,” Darnell said. He and his wife barely made it to their safe room in time. “Thirty seconds later it was gone, but we knew it was bad.”

Bryan Schultz of Wellington described the tornado as sounding “like a freight train,” an often-repeated comparison for such storms. He and his girlfriend, Mandy Erhardt, lost everything. Their home was destroyed, and Schultz’s pickup truck was shattered. “Where am I gonna go today? I have to pack up my stuff and find a place to live,” Erhardt said, while Schultz added, “No truck, no place to go.” Around the corner, another home was flattened while 15 people sheltered inside. Miraculously, they survived but were left digging through the rubble for their belongings.

Community Heroes Emerge Amidst the Wreckage

In the chaos that followed, Garrett and Maggie Smith became unexpected heroes. After watching the tornado pass by their home, they quickly mobilized to help their neighbors. Garrett, along with others, worked to pull survivors from the wreckage. Maggie, meanwhile, drove eight injured victims to the hospital.

“There was a boy with two broken legs in my car, and every time we hit a pothole he just screamed, and kids were bleeding everywhere,” Maggie recounted. She raced to get the injured to the hospital as quickly as possible, knowing that time was of the essence.

‘Fast and furious': Residents Describe Twister Spawned by Milton that Devastated Palm Beach
Source: NBC 6

In addition to rescuing people, the Smiths also took in nine stray horses, including two ponies trapped under the wreckage of a barn. “It was a miracle that they survived,” Maggie said. The couple reflected on their fortune, noting that their wooden home was spared by the tornado. “We’re extremely lucky that we got to be a helper instead of a victim,” Garrett said.

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