How An Off-Duty Lifeguard Found a Missing 17-Year-Old in the Ocean


It was a typical Wednesday evening when Noland Keaulana, an off-duty Honolulu lifeguard, received an alert about a missing 17-year-old kayaker off the coast. His evening took a sharp turn when he learned the missing teen was Kahiau Kawai, the son of a family friend. For two hours, Keaulana anxiously debated whether to join the rescue effort. Finally, he decided to help, driven by his instincts as a lifeguard and his connection to the family. Kahiau, a high school kayaker, had been swept away by powerful currents after his kayak capsized during practice. For hours, he battled against the currents, staying afloat by clinging to his overturned kayak. Without a paddle or a life jacket, Kahiau alternated between holding onto the kayak and treading water as darkness fell, drifting further into the ocean.

How An Off-Duty Lifeguard Found a Missing 17-Year-Old in the Ocean
Source: East Idaho News

A Battle Against the Elements

As the sun set and the waves intensified, Kahiau realized he was no match for the strong currents. “When the sun started setting and I was going further out as it got darker, I started to worry,” he later told in an interview. Despite the fear, he remained calm and focused on survival. He planned to stay afloat and conserve his energy, hoping that once the currents calmed, he could swim back.

For hours, he shouted for help, but passing boats were too far to hear him. As the night grew darker, Kahiau could see helicopters searching the area, but they weren’t reaching his location, which added to his fear. However, he clung to hope, determined to survive. Meanwhile, Keaulana and other rescue teams combed the ocean for Kahiau. With every passing hour, their anxiety grew. “I was starting to lose hope. I didn’t know if he was still holding on to the kayak,” Keaulana said, filled with guilt for not joining the search earlier.

A Miraculous Rescue

At around 4 a.m. on Thursday, after more than eight hours of searching, a U.S. Coast Guard airplane spotted the missing teen clinging to his kayak. They deployed a flare to mark his position and alerted Keaulana, the closest rescuer. “Boom, he just appeared right in my sight,” Keaulana said. The moment he saw Kahiau alive, he broke down in tears. Kahiau had been stranded at sea for nearly 12 hours in dangerous conditions with strong winds and high surf. When Keaulana called out to him, Kahiau calmly responded, “Yes,” confirming he had survived the harrowing ordeal.

From Fear to Celebration

Kahiau’s family had endured a night filled with terror and uncertainty, awaiting updates on the rescue efforts. His mother, Kelehua Kawai, described the emotional rollercoaster: “It was the worst night of our lives, followed by the best morning of our lives.” When they finally heard Kahiau’s voice, it was a moment of overwhelming joy.

Kahiau was taken to the hospital in serious but stable condition, and treated for injuries and hypothermia. Remarkably, just two days later, he rejoined his teammates to cheer them on at their kayaking championships.

How An Off-Duty Lifeguard Found a Missing 17-Year-Old in the Ocean
Source: KTVZ

Reflecting on the experience, Kahiau said he discovered his inner strength, realizing that he could endure more than he had ever imagined. Despite the terrifying ordeal, he plans to continue kayaking, carrying the lessons of survival with him for the rest of his life.

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