Police Find Mummified Man on Toilet Amid Search


California: A routine missing person search took a dark turn when police made a shocking discovery at a former residence of a 95-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s.

Unexpected Find During Missing Person Investigation

The woman had been reported missing in August, prompting Union City Police to investigate. During the search, officers were directed to a home where the elderly woman once lived but had not resided in for two years. Upon entering the house, they discovered a “mummified” body of a man on the toilet.

Police Find Mummified Man on Toilet Amid Search
Source: People.com

According to police reports obtained, the remains were so dried and decayed that they were described as “mummified.” The disturbing find was made in the bathroom of the cluttered home, which was filled with garbage and swarming with flies. Union City Police Sergeant Brandon Hayward remarked that finding deceased individuals in restrooms was more common than one might expect. The body is believed to have been in that position for weeks, if not months.

Investigation Uncovers Troubling Conditions

The grim discovery led investigators to believe that the deceased man was likely one of the two sons of the missing elderly woman. Authorities suspect that the man had died of natural causes, with no foul play involved. As of now, the coroner’s office is conducting a DNA test to confirm the identity of the body, but police are not treating the death as suspicious.

Further complicating the investigation was the presence of another man on the property, described as disheveled and suffering from a possible mental illness. The man, identified as a relative of the missing woman, initially resisted allowing officers into the home. However, police were eventually able to gain entry after placing the man on an involuntary psychiatric hold. The unsettling state of the house and the presence of the second man raised concerns about the living conditions at the residence.

Elderly Woman Found Safe After Search

The missing 95-year-old woman, who has Alzheimer’s disease, was later found safe near the senior living home where she currently resides. She had left the facility earlier, sparking the missing person report that led authorities to search her former home. While police searched the property, the condition of the residence and the discovery of the mummified body highlighted a tragic scenario of isolation and neglect.

Union City Police Lieutenant Sergio Quintero confirmed that investigators are not pursuing this as a homicide case at the moment, but all suspicious deaths are initially treated as potential homicides. Police are awaiting the results of the DNA test to officially confirm the identity of the deceased man. The case underscores the complexity of investigations involving missing persons, particularly when mental health issues and deteriorating living conditions are involved.

Police Find Mummified Man on Toilet Amid Search
Source: E! News

Union City Police have yet to provide further updates, and local news outlets continue to seek more information on the case. The situation serves as a reminder of the importance of community awareness and regular welfare checks, especially when vulnerable individuals like the elderly are involved.

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