Actress Chanel Maya Banks posts ‘I am not missing,’ alleges she escaped abuse by family
Chanel Maya Banks, a Los Angeles actress who had been reported missing and unaccounted for by family since October 30, was found safe, authorities told ABC News on Wednesday, although at least one of Banks’ relatives were not convinced that the actress had been found. The Los Angeles Police Department said that Banks, who was well-known for her roles in the television series “Gossip Girl” and “Blue Bloods,” was unharmed and that there was no suspicion of foul play in her reported disappearance, adding that the case was closed. No further information was immediately provided. Messages were posted to a social media account on Wednesday under Banks’ name with the headline “I am not missing.”

Danielle-Tori Singh, Banks’ cousin, called the LAPD’s update “fake news” and promised to keep handing out posters claiming Banks was missing. Singh told ABC7 on Tuesday that after receiving a tip, officers located a house in Texas where a lady knocked on the door and introduced herself as Banks. Singh claimed that when police later showed Banks’ family body camera footage of the interaction, the woman in the video did not resemble the actress from her most recent FaceTime contact, and that the woman was not Banks.
The 36-year-old actress and Playa Vista resident had not been heard from since late last month, according to family members, when authorities announced she had been located. Her relatives said they recently went inside the apartment where she had been living with her one-year husband and saw her possessions and dog still there after authorities performed welfare checks at her residence. Singh, who traveled from Toronto to assist with the hunt, stated that she and her cousin have a tight relationship. She and other family members became concerned when even a few days passed without she being contacted or heard from.
Earlier this week, Singh told Eyewitness News, “It’s red flags and alarm bells to go five days without hearing from my cousin.” “She never skips more than 48 hours of communication with her mother or me. I consider that female to be more like a big sister. Singh went around Banks’ neighborhood handing out pamphlets. She said on Tuesday that Banks’ husband had not been assisting the authorities or the family. “He refuses to assist the LAPD. Singh stated, “He is unwilling to assist her mother or me in finding her.” “He is removing flyers off of posts and cars.”
According to Banks’ IMDB website, she has appeared in television series like “Blue Bloods,” “Twelve,” and “Gossip Girl.” She occasionally pretended to be Chanel Farrell. According to Singh, her relative has been concentrating on writing instead of acting in recent years. “I can tell you in my soul, in my gut, something is not right,” Singh stated on Tuesday. “We have been traversing for the past two weeks without saying a word or making a sound. Nothing.
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