Are You Eligible for the $1,312 Stimulus Payment? Find Out Before December 2024
Alaskans are eager to benefit from the Permanent Fund Dividend (PDF), which is currently only available to those who are still categorized as “Eligible-Unpaid” but will get an increase at the end of 2024.
In order to administer the state’s oil income through the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation and disburse them to its citizens, the Alaska Permanent Fund was founded in 1976. In order to guarantee that the state’s citizens receive a direct share of the financial gains from oil and gas earnings, the PFD allocates a portion of the income from natural resources.
The stimulus program, which attempts to stimulate investment and expenditure, will give eligible residents $1,312. Approximately 600,000 residents will get the $1,702 in aid from the 2024 pool.
The $1,312 PFD stimulus payment is available to whom?
In addition to having lived in Alaska for at least a year and having no immediate plans to leave, the first eligibility condition is being a registered resident of the state.
Additionally, the beneficiary did not need to apply for residency in a different state or country and did not need to have benefited in any way from the process.

In addition, they must have worked at least 72 hours straight in Alaska during the past 24 months and not have been released from prison for a crime during the past 12 months, or for a misdemeanor if they have been convicted of a felony or two misdemeanors since January 1, 1997.
Every year, between January 1 and March 31, applicants can apply online or by mail for the PFD. All members of the family, including youngsters, must apply.
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