Will the $725 Stimulus Check Jeopardize Your CalFresh and CalWORKs Benefits?
The growing cost of living is making it difficult for low-income American families to make ends meet, so stimulus checks are a financial respite.
The Sacramento Family First (FFESP) pilot program, which started disbursing a monthly direct payment of $725 on December 15, is one of several states’ relief programs that were started during the Covid-19 outbreak and are currently being maintained.
The answer to the question of whether taking part in this program could impact your CalFresh and CalWORKs benefits is no.
“The California Department of Social Services has determined that all Guaranteed Income (GI) Programs statewide are exempt from eligibility calculations for CalWORKs benefits, and pilot programs that meet certain criteria may also be exempt from eligibility calculations for CalFresh benefits,” the FFESP website’s frequently asked questions section states.
The evidence indicates that the FFESP satisfies the necessary requirements, thus financing for the 200 pilot program participants will not have an impact on CalWORKs or CalFresh eligibility or benefit calculations.
What is the Family First program in Sacramento?

The only way the Sacramento Family First pilot program, which offers a 12-month guaranteed income, may be terminated before the year is if a family leaves California and is found to no longer qualify for FFESP.
With a $725 monthly stipend from December 15, 2024, to November 15, 2025, the Sacramento Family First initiative aims to lessen economic disparity while promoting the welfare of the 200 families selected.
A direct deposit will be made to the recipients’ bank accounts associated with their tax returns. The state will physically mail a check to the registered address if this information is not accessible.
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