Miami Beach Boosts Security for Orange Bowl After Shocking New Orleans Attack – What You Need to Know


Large events are common in South Florida, just like in New Orleans. Police here took note when horror rocked Bourbon Street on New Year’s Eve. As Orange Bowl fans gather here next week, the permanent barriers that have been erected along Lincoln Road in Miami Beach for years are only a part of the strategy. According to Miami Beach Police spokesperson Christopher Bess, “residents and visitors can expect to see an increased policing staffing in the next couple of days to kind of re-ensure, not only are those barriers in place, but we also have eyes on the ground.”

A motivational rally will take place on Lincoln Road the day before the game, which will begin at Hard Rock Stadium. “At this time, there is no credible threat to the city of Miami Beach,” Bess stated. However, we always increase our patrols as a precaution following every significant event that occurs in New Orleans. Police will be undercover in addition to wearing uniforms and marked units. SWAT and tactical personnel will be on standby, and drones will fly overhead. Meanwhile, massive planters and other barriers guard pedestrians on Lincoln Road.

“Not only inside of the perimeter but there will be an outer perimeter as well to ensure that no one can really get through the barriers within,” Bess stated. One area under patrol will go unnoticed: social media, where malicious individuals occasionally use to the platform to gain attention and visibility. “So our intelligence analysts and detectives do social media sweeps as we speak,” Bess explained. “They’ve been putting a lot of effort into evaluating social media and inside city operations to make sure there aren’t any real dangers. As usual, they advise people to notify the police if they observe anything odd.

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