Hollywood Man Arrested for Carjacking After Good Samaritan Foils Initial Attempt


Hollywood police have arrested a man accused of carjacking a woman at a shopping plaza after his earlier attempt to steal another vehicle was thwarted by a brave bystander.

The suspect, identified as 34-year-old Edward Dawson, faces multiple charges, including two counts of carjacking, aggravated battery, and burglary with a battery, authorities confirmed on Thursday. The incidents unfolded around 8 a.m. Wednesday at Oakwood Plaza, located off Stirling Road.

According to police reports, Dawson first attempted to steal a man’s Ford F-150 pickup by forcefully opening the driver’s door and punching the victim. However, the driver resisted, leading to a struggle. In a dramatic turn of events, a good Samaritan, Nathaniel Walker, stepped in to stop Dawson from successfully taking the vehicle.

“I’m still scared and shaken,” Walker said while recalling the incident. “By the time I got to McDonald’s, whamming on this man trying to carjack this man. Just beating the hell out of him.”

Following the failed carjacking, Dawson allegedly fled the scene and targeted another victim at the shopping plaza. This time, he successfully stole a woman’s car before authorities tracked him down and placed him under arrest.

Hollywood Police continue to investigate the incident, commending the quick actions of Walker, whose intervention prevented the first carjacking attempt from succeeding.

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