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The Liberals and Diversity

Many colleges brag about how diverse they are, but the faculties are mainly staffed by an overwhelming majority of liberals who contribute mainly to the Democrat Party, no “diversity” there. Photo credit Shutterstock licensed

DELRAY BEACH, FL – First off, let’s define what we mean by diversity.  According to Merriam-Webster, diversity is the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races and cultures) in a group or organization – it also includes a “diversity” of opinion,

Now, with that definition in mind, let’s see how the liberals use it in trying to further their political agenda.

It seems that the Democrats (a/k/a liberals, Progressives) think that “diversity” is the “be all and end all” that should happen in our society, not the intelligence, the work ethic, or the experience of the person, but whether or not he/she fits the “diversity” parameter that they constantly use in what they think is good for our society. According to the liberals, they want us to look different but think the same. You see this in college campuses around the country. Many colleges brag about how diverse they are, but the faculties are mainly staffed by an overwhelming majority of liberals who contribute mainly to the Democrat Party, no “diversity” there.  Also, many of these colleges give preference to enrolling students with “diversity” in mind, rather than accepting prospective applicants on the sole basis of their academic credentials.

Giving preference to one group over another, to me, is un-American and contrary to the principles set forth by our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Shouldn’t everyone be judged as an individual and not as part of a group? That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t encourage people from some group from gaining credentials and experience to be able to compete for admission to a school or college, but by blatantly discriminating in favor of a person from a certain group, that should be considered unfair, especially to the other person being denied even though better qualified.

Our founding fathers, in their eminent wisdom, have written that everyone should have the “opportunity” to better themselves, not the “guarantee” of success. That’s what they stated in our Declaration of Independence that we, as citizens, are “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”  –  as you can see they did not say the “guarantee” of happiness (or in other words, success), because when you give something to someone you have to take something from somebody else. That’s what seems to happen when someone gets accepted (because of “diversity”) for a slot in a college admission over someone who doesn’t fall into that “diversity” category.  That is called “reverse discrimination” and should not be tolerated.

The “diversity” goal is also used in the business world as the government has set up rules and procedures that authorize companies and businesses to hire people, not on the basis of merit for performing the job, but on the basis of their ethnicity, race, or gender. Should the government be the arbiter as to who some business should (or must) hire or should that be left to the business itself? Liberals, in the main believe that the government should get involved, whereas the Conservatives, in the main, say the government should stay out. Yes, there may be some who might discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, race, and gender, but most businesses are in business to make a profit so they will hire the person who will be the most productive for their business and will add to the bottom line (a/k/a profit).

So, the idea that “diversity” can be the “be all and end all” of how we run our lives, it can work in ways that bring more problems to society than in solving the problems of society. Forcing people to do or not to do certain things, in the name of “diversity” is never the way to go. Educating the people to do the right thing might take some more effort than passing a law, but in the long run it will create less animosity among the citizens who think that they are being discriminated against in the name of “diversity”.

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