Op-Ed: New Lessons on Protests for America’s Progressives

Missing from yesterday's protests were any photos of burning, overturned police vehicles, torched stores, looters hunched over while carrying TV sets and audio equipment out of smashed display windows. Photo credit: Sebastian Portillo / Shutterstock.com, licensed.
Missing from yesterday’s protests were any photos of burning, overturned police vehicles, torched stores, looters hunched over while carrying TV sets and audio equipment out of smashed display windows. Photo credit: Sebastian Portillo / Shutterstock.com, licensed.

BOCA RATON, FL – Yesterday a unarmed White woman, was shot and killed by capitol police while demonstrating in the nation’s capital. It has yet to be determined the race of the shooter although both the Mayor and Police Chief of that city are both black. Was she targeted? A thorough local and federal investigation into this tragedy is certainly called for. This shooting, perhaps racially motivated, has not been made a major news point, unlike the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, both black, whose deaths sparked months of violence and tons of media coverage that still rage on. The differences, other than race, among the above victims is that the White woman murdered in D.C., Ashli Babbitt, was married, a successful entrepreneur and a 14 year Air Force Veteran with no felonies in her background and no dealings with drugs and criminals. Was she singled out for her politics, sex and race? So many questions to be answered. And none yet asked by other than a few. 

And what of these above peaceful demonstrations labeled as “insurrection,” “riots,” “violence” and “outrageous” by the those in the media who were unable to show yesterday, any photos of burning, overturned police vehicles, torched stores, looters hunched over while carrying TV sets and audio equipment out of smashed display windows in our nation’s capitol? Last year’s violent onslaughts throughout the country, comprised of racial uprisings and destruction and their description in the media come to mind. How differently they were written up. Also absent from news reports from D.C. were the claims by many in the know that the real thugs of Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other violent groups infiltrated the crowds to unleash their well learned, violent tactics, thereby tainting the intent of the non-violent pro-Trump demonstrators. This surely merits an investigation. 

The frustrations of those who demonstrated peacefully in D.C. were actions of those who’ve looked on helplessly as the nation’s democracy has been shattered by the lack of investigations into the Clinton/Democrat false FISA requests to destroy President Trump, the Obama/Clinton give-away of our nation’s uranium supply to Russia, Obama’s statement to that same nation’s President Medvedev, that in his second term as U.S. President, he’d be more accommodating to Putin’s demands, of our taking the knee to Iran’s demands to continue pursuing nuclear weapons and the funding to the tune of tens of billions of our taxpaying dollars to the Islamic Mullahs. The list of stains plastered on our legacy by Progressive Democrats rolls on and on. Frustrating to many patriots. 

In the minds of loyal Americans and those who gathered recently in Washington, are the memories of four years of our nation’s growth and prosperity under President Trump. Of our firm stand against the likes of China, Russia and Iran that were undermined by the Progressive, Carnivorous of Democracy, Left. We’re all more than a bit concerned about the overt, undeniable criminal behavior of the President Elect Biden and his whole family, reflected in their financially rewarding business relationships with China. This criminal clan, soon to run the country is on the payroll of China. Who can deny this? True Americans are concerned and helpless. Americans are now fully aware and shocked that our Congressional leadership is now controlled by the likes of newly elected Georgia Senator, Raphael Warnock, an advocate of Louis Farrakhan, as are Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. Their all being of the black persuasion, or more recently titled, “people of color,” makes them untouchable and their pronouncements as indisputable, made from heaven above. Anyone disagreeing with their open racism is targeted as “racist.” These bigots now call the shots in both Houses. 

Those on the Left, Democrats who shrugged their shoulders and chuckled as Ivanka Trump was verbally abused during a flight and other notable Republicans were chased out of public places, had their doors banged and their lives threatened by crowds of Lefties, now know what it’s like to be harangued and to be jeered openly. The rules as set down by Congresswoman Maxine Waters, demanding that her supporters “Target Republicans in restaurants and gas stations,” the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise by a Bernie Sanders supporter and the near death attack on Senator Rand Paul on his own front lawn by a neighbor-Democrat should be recalled when the Dems weep, moan and blabber about staunch Republicans merely protesting peacefully in the nation’s capitol.

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