BOCA RATON, FL – To paraphrase ads for former heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson’s matches: “Take a flight to see a great fight!” It’s no laughing matter. Disruptions erupting on those slim and thin aluminum tubes flying at 30,000 feet are causing fear not only among passengers but on the minimum number of crew members who are responsible for the safety of all on board. It’s frightening. Although the number of flights and their passengers have been significantly reduced because of the Covid epidemic, the number of people grappling on planes, beating, cursing and assaulting each other and the crews, is now higher than ever. According to the head of the Association of Flight Attendants, the FAA has reported more than 5,000 instances of “disruptive passengers” so far this year. Already, there are more than 60 times the amount this year than in any year prior to the outbreak of Covid. This is dangerous and the authorities must take appropriate action to stop it cold.
The cause of most of these outbreaks are the clashes started over the federal mask mandate, which requires that all travelers continue to cover their faces on public transportation. Of course, Biden and his consiglieri, Fauci have messed up again by the president mandating recently, that because of the emergence of the non-lethal Omicron virus, he’s foolishly extended the mask ruleโฆ’tilโฆ. who knows? And that covers trains, buses, airports and train stations. Consider that people have been stressed out by having their lives in total disorder for nearly two years. Their freedoms have been taken away by federal order. Schools have been closed, businesses shut down, people thrown out of work, confined to their homes, not being permitted, out of fear of death, to even visit loved ones in hospitals, or even in their homes. Fauci just announced with his usual grin, that he encouraged people to demand proof of vaccinations before seating guests for holiday meals with family and friends. People are ready to explode and to do so in the air is one hellavuh place to go nuts. But it’s happening and eventually disaster will take place. Bet on it!
Our leaders are replicating the behavior of dictators. Our citizens are furious that their liberties have been taken away. But some local governments are beginning to face reality, thankfully. The trend is to drop face mask requirements. Under Florida Governor DeSantis, his constituents walk around freely, shopping, eating in restaurants and living a normal life with record lows of illnesses recorded. But not on federally governed modes of transportation. Delta CEO, Ed Bastian, stated correctly, “The safest place you can be is on an airplane.” He’s right on target. The filtration systems on planes, with HEPA filters, is the same as in hospitals. People must be treated with dignity and the laws they follow must be logical. We were told by both Fauci and Biden, early on, that vaccinations would prevent individuals from getting ill. In addition, those who’ve already recovered have incurred immunity. And many have natural immunity. But our not so brilliant leaders have ignored these medical truths and have stoked irrational fears that have shaken the nation to the point of physical and mental stress, leading to outbursts of anger that have threatened the safety of those in moving and flying containers.
We call on our lawmakers in D.C. to remove all federally mandated mask requirements and give our people the right to choose to wear masks. People should be encouraged and permitted to make their own decisions. Accept us all as responsible adults. That’s what freedom is all about. It’s about time!
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