Kid Rock’s New Single “We The People” Slams Biden, Fauci, Lamestream – Praises “Big Don” – Hits #1 on iTunes Top 100 Songs Chart

Kid Rock
Throughout the song, Rock’s lyrics take aim at many targets of conservative ire, including Biden, infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more. File photo: Udo Salters Photography, Shutter Stock, licensed.

NASHVILLE, TN – Just one day after releasing his controversial new single, Kid Rock’s “We The People” – a profanity-laced rock/rap hybrid that bashes President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci, among others – has skyrocketed to number one on iTunes.

One of three songs released this week following the announcement of his 2022 “Bad Reputation Tour” – which he says may very well be the last of his career – “We The People” features Rock chanting “Let’s Go Brandon,” which is essentially a code for a profane insult towards President Biden.

Throughout the song, Rock’s lyrics take aim at many targets of conservative ire, including Biden, infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.

Wear your mask, take your pills, Now a whole generation’s mentally ill,” Rock sings in the beginning of the song. “F**k Fauci. But COVID’s near, it’s coming to town. We gotta act quick, shut our borders down. Joe Biden does, the media embraces. Big Don does it and they call him racist.”

The song also addresses the economy and the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Inflation’s up, like the minimum wage, so it’s all the same, it ain’t a damn thing changed,” Rock’s lyrics go. “You piece of s**t, I don’t see color. “Black lives matter”, no s**t mother**ker.”Big Tech and the mainstream media also get slammed in the song as well, with Rock singing, “F**k Facebook, F**k Twitter too. And the mainstream media? F**k you too.”

However, at one point “We The People” makes a tonal shift, with Rock calling for “love and unity” with his fellow countrymen after previously bashing approximately 50 percent of them.

“But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free and every human being doesn’t have to agree. We all bleed red, brother, listen to me, it’s time for love and unity,” he sings. “If you down with love and wanna make things better, all we gotta do is just come together. Weather the storm, and take my hand, then follow my lead to the promised land. ‘Cause we the people, we gotta unite to follow that good time guiding light. Climb aboard this love boat and rock that b***h up and down the coast. In order to form a more perfect union, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.”

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