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Op-Ed: Prayers for Miami’s Cuban-Hispanic Community After FBI Raid of Trump’s Home

Unidentified senior men playing the domino game in the historic Domino Park in popular Little Havana.
Two unidentified seniors playing dominos in the historic Domino Park in popular Little Havana, Miami’s vibrant Cuban heart, with Latin American art galleries and busy restaurants. File photo: Fotoluminate LLC, Shutter Stock, licensed.

WEST PALM BEACH, FL  Any assault on the freedoms in the great United States of America can trigger traumatic memories for citizens that experienced human rights violations in socialist, communist, and fascist countries. But an unprecedented attack on the former U.S. President Donald Trump in the land of liberty can be especially anxiety-producing.  

Did Attorney General Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and DOJ Director Bobak Talebian consider how this political home invasion by the G-men/women would affect the Cuban-Hispanic citizens? NO is the answer. And when parents/guardians are upset the children can experience confusion and angst as well.   

Miami, Florida “is made up of millions of first-generation Americans who fled totalitarianism in Cuba, Venezuela, and elsewhere,” L. Todd Wood noted in an Aug. 9 analyses for The Miami Independent

“For Cuban and Hispanic residents of Miami, Monday’s FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence stirred up painful memories of the communist regimes many of them fled,” reported an article in The World Tribune. 

As a mental health therapist with decades of experience, I’ve provided counseling services for individuals with trauma from several types of abuse. Individuals experiencing trauma reactions after the FBI’s raid are encouraged to seek help from their local community counseling centers or reach out to Christian counselors and/or local pastors and churches.  

Let us pray that the Cuban-Hispanic community in Miami and the surrounding area will feel safe and secure in their own homes again. Let us pray they will feel safe and secure in the United States of America again.    

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