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Op-Ed: “Gang of Twenty-Two” Ohio RINO Republicans In Hot Water For Dirty Deal With Democrats

Ohio House of Representatives.
State Representative Jason Stephens (R-Kitts Hill) was elected Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives during opening day ceremonies for the 135th General Assembly, January 4, 2023. Image credit: Ohio House of Representatives.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – January 3rd, 2023, will go down in history, as a very sad day for the people of the State of Ohio. It was on this day that the “Gang of Twenty-Two” Republican Ohio House members violated the trust of the people of Ohio. A political “coup” by the “Gang of Twenty-Two.”

“Moments after swearing an oath to defend the Constitution of Ohio, 22 members of the Republican caucus sold out their values to broker a deal with Democrats.”

The 22 disloyal Republican lawmakers changed horses in the middle of the stream and saluted their comrade Rep. Jason Stephens, R-Kitts Hill, instead of supporting Rep. Derek Merrin, R-Monclova, for speaker of the Ohio House as was supposedly signed, sealed, and delivered.

There are only two sides to this question. Every man must be for the United States or against it. There can be no neutrals in this war; only patriots and traitors.” –Stephen Douglas

The mugshots of the 22 RINOs (Republican in name only) swamp minions can be found on the Ohio Accountability PAC website.

Gaze upon the PROTRAITS ON THE WALL OF SHAME – the Benedicts Arnolds of the Ohio House of Representatives.

Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They’re only powerful when you got your back turned.” –EMINEM

On January 6th, the Republican State Central Committee voted to censure the “Gang of Twenty-Two.” Ohio Value Voters urges all county and local Republican organizations to censure these House members:

  • Alessandro Cutrona
  • Bill Seitz
  • Bob Peterson
  • Bob Young
  • Brett Hudson Hillyer
  • Cindy Abrams
  • D.J. Swearingen
  • Don Jones
  • Gail Pavliga
  • Haraz Ghanbari
  • Jason Stephens
  • Jay Edwards
  • Jean Schmidt
  • Jeff LaRe
  • Jon Cross
  • Kevin Miller
  • Mike Loychik
  • Monica Robb Blasdel
  • Sara Carruthers
  • Scott Oelslager
  • Thomas Patton
  • Tracy Richardson

Hmmm. The D.C. Uniparty that has bred corruption and choked out liberty has seeped into Ohio’s political  arena as well. Albeit, the tentacles of the Joe Biden – Barack Obama regime reaches far and wide.

Betrayal of  constituents will lead to the walk of shame when voters have had enough.

The “22 lawmakers who opposed the conservative speaker have taken nearly $350,000 from government unions,” reports the Ohio Press Network.

In addition, Ohio Press Network looked at Ohio, Florida, Texas  – and found Ohio lacking.


Florida, which has been a Republican trifecta for 24 years straight and a Republican triplex for all but one of those years, is among the national leaders for parental advocacy. Gov. DeSantis passed the Parental Rights in Education bill last February, banned critical race theory (CRT) from K-12 curricula last April and is in process of banning CRT teaching at Florida colleges, too. The Sunshine State also has Right to Work laws in place for both private- and public-sector workers.

And Texas, which has been a Republican trifecta and triplex without exception for 20 years straight, also has Right to Work laws in place for public- and private-sector workers, as well as signed legislation since 2021 abolishing CRT outright.

Abortion Law in Ohio


Although it’s currently blocked while a lawsuit against it moves through a county court, the state does have a “heartbeat” abortion law, signed in 2019, which protects unborn children from abortion starting at roughly six weeks.

However, House Speaker Jason Stephens (R-Kitts Hill) has opened the door for progressives and people who support killing unborn children to place a constitutional amendment initiative on an upcoming ballot for all Ohioans to consider.

Ohio Schools

Multiple Accuracy in Media video exposés have revealed over the past month school districts throughout Ohio — CincinnatiClevelandColumbusDayton and Toledo — have admitted to deliberately and defiantly teaching CRT, seemingly without repercussion.

A Dirty Deal

The Ohio Press Network: “Stephens — who became speaker after partnering with 22 Republicans who broke their promises to the Republican caucus, rejected Rep. Derek Merrin (R-Monclova) and joined all 32 House Democrats to vote for Stephens instead (behind closed doors, House Republicans had unanimously agreed in November to vote for Merrin) — did so by failing to timely pass a resolution calling for 60% voter approval to enact a state constitutional amendment.”

Never let a friendly fox into your hen-house. One day he’s going to get hungry.” –Sidney Sheldon

A Deeper Dive

The Ohio Press Network: “After doing a deep dive through campaign finance data, the group emerged with a startling revelation: the 22 Republican legislators who made the last-minute switch to Stephens for Ohio House speaker are united by a common tie with former state legislator Larry Householder, who helped stage a similar sort of coup in 2019 and is currently on trial for corruption: They have all received major campaign donations for years, now, from special-interest groups and government-backed unions alike.”

Folks, as usual, follow the money trail.

The Ohio Press Network: “In fact, say Freedom Foundation research documents, in the 2021-2022 election cycle, Republicans who ended up switching their votes to Stephens were the only Republicans who received donations from two government-affiliated unions in particular: the Ohio Association of Public School Employees and the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA).”

In conclusion, the Ohio Press Network asked the 22 Republicans who broke for Stephens if they received pressure from unions and special-interest groups to elect Stephens or if they received pressure from any campaign contributors to either push or deter legislation pertaining to Right to Work, school choice or other Ohio issues.

So, exactly why did the 22 turncoats flip the switch? There has to be a reason. What motivated them to sell-out the citizens that voted them in? Eventually, the truth will be known – unless they were hush-hush RINOs from the get-go.

Statement from the Ohio Christian Alliance on the Ohio House Election of Speaker Stephens:

“The Republican Caucus was shocked by the betrayal of the twenty-two Republicans who joined the Democrats to elect Jason Stephens as speaker. This is truly now a house divided. The conservatives have been spurned once too many times, and now have been betrayed when it was their time to take leadership. What Rep. Stephens guaranteed Democrat Allison Russo, Minority Leader, and the Democrats is unknown.”

Folks, that last sentence sounds eerie. What did Stephens give away to receive the power? Usually, Satan demands your soul. 

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?” (Mark 8:36, BLB)

“The reason the Democrats want to stop the 60% threshold constitutional amendment is that they want to clear the path for a fall ballot initiative constitutional amendment that will legalize abortion on demand in Ohio, taking us back to Roe v. Wade, even abolishing Ohio’s ban on partial birth abortion,” asserts the Ohio Christian Alliance.

Watch Glenn Beck on Twitter with Ohio State Rep. Ron Ferguson. As heard on radio @ronfergusonohio, The Gang of 22.


This Gang of 22 broke their campaign promise to voters about who they were and what they stand for. 

Every one of these Representatives claim to be Pro Life; they all claim to support School Choice. Yet moments after they were sworn into office, they cut a deal that will enshrine abortion into the Constitution and keep kids in failing schools.  

Power always comes at a price. Voters within each of these 22 districts should now be asking their State Representative, “What was that price?”

The measure of a man is what he does with power.” –Plato

What can Ohio citizens do?

Contact the “Gang Twenty-Two” on the Ohio government website and give your viewpoint. And start working on voting the 22 RINOs out of office.

Contact your governor, state representatives, mayors, city councils, commissioners. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, church members, and coworkers. Share on your social media platforms.

Organize a peaceful protest at your county courthouse. Call a town meeting in your county, city, or district with local Republicans and Conservatives. Write A Letter to the Editor in your local and state newspapers.

And pray without ceasing, because God is still on the throne.

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