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Oregon Bans Any Person or Parents That Disagree With Unscientific Gender Ideology From Adopting Kids

When an American citizen applied to Oregon’s Department of Human Services, the state put her through an ideological litmus test — one that ferrets out people of faith who disagree with the state’s unscientific theory on biological males and females.  File photo: Chris Allan, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  Yes, I’m using the word ‘evil’ to describe what Oregon is doing. Minions of malice are alive and well in the Beaver State. When an American citizen applied to Oregon’s Department of Human Services, the state put her through an ideological litmus test — one that ferrets out people of faith who disagree with the state’s unscientific theory on biological males and females. 

Christina Kiefer, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, says the state’s actions are simply another example of putting “ideology and politics over children.” 

Johannes Widmalm-Delphonse, legal counsel with the Center for Conscience Initiatives at Alliance Defending Freedom, is representing Jessica Bates in her lawsuit against Oregon officials.  

A recent article in The Federalist by Widmalm-Delphonse asserts “Specifically, state regulations require prospective caregivers to demonstrate that they will “accept” and “support” a child’s sexual orientation and so-called gender identity and expression. This means caregivers must agree to use preferred pronouns, take their children to events such as LGBT pride parades, and even take young children to receive hormone shots as part of what the left calls “gender transition.”  

When Bates explained that “she would love any child, but she just couldn’t do anything that went against her Christian faith, the state turned her away. According to Oregon, people with traditional religious beliefs about our sexual differences are unfit to care for children.” 

Preposterous. The transgender cult movement has infiltrated, invaded, and captured a segment of Oregonians. It’s time for people of faith to be loud and proud of Christian beliefs.  

“This policy violates the First Amendment. It categorically excludes entire religious communities from the adoption and foster-care process, violating our constitutional protections for religious liberty. It also violates our rights to free speech by compelling Jessica to affirm by word and deed her beliefs in the state’s ideology,” proclaims Widmalm-Delphonse. 

Folks, I won’t mince words. The policy is a malevolent attempt to censor and silence opponents of harmful gender identity hokum. It’s a wicked slap in the face to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights by militant Democrats.  

Bates told “Fox & Friends News” that she was several months into the adoption process and successfully completed a portion of the training when the hurdle began. 

The governor of Oregon is Democrat Tina Kotek. “With the victory, Kotek becomes one of the nation’s first openly lesbian governors,” notes WRVO

Is Kotek pushing her own personal sexual orientation agenda onto Oregon’s citizens?  

I’ll bet a billion bales of hay that Kotek is not a member of the respected and responsible Gays Against Groomers coalition. They “directly oppose the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.” 

According to a 2022 article by Oregon Live, former Gov. Kate Brown was the least popular governor in the country. She signed a transgender equity bill into law in 2017. 

Brown, a bisexual, became the nation’s first openly-LGBTQ elected governor and Democrat Tina Kotek is the first openly lesbian House Speaker. 

People of faith across American need to pray for Bates and contact Oregon’s Department of Human Services and Gov. Kotek and peacefully express concerns of discrimination and violation of civil rights. 

But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.” (Mark 10:6, English Standard Version

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