“I still am a virulent anti-communist. It is a bad system, an immoral system, and one that takes away the rights of people and the rights of individuals. And everywhere it’s gone, it’s failed.” —Joe Lhota
PORTSMOUTH, OH – “Hundreds of Cubans took to the streets to protest asking for “freedom” in the municipality of Caimanera, Guantanamo, on Saturday afternoon. Several videos circulating on networks, as well as live broadcasts through Facebook, recorded the demonstration, where women and young people predominated,” reports The Havana Times.
The municipality of Caimanera, with some 11,000 inhabitants, according to official figures, is located near the United States naval base. Nestled in the third largest coral reefs in the world, its 362 square kilometers are only accessible by locals or those with a special permit from the Cuban authorities, notes the articles.
“The protest was repressed by uniformed men from the Special Brigade of the Ministry of the Interior known as the “black berets”, who arrested several of the demonstrators. In the images transmitted you can see the military, in the rain, beating several people and arresting others.”
- Too Many Deny the True Evils of Communism
- Why Isn’t Communism as Hated as Nazism?
- The Reason the Left Gives Communism a Pass
“The lack of freedoms, the aggravated economic crisis and the increase in repression experienced by Cubans in recent years have led to several protests, which reached a climax on July 11, 2021. After that date, the courts sentenced hundreds to long jail sentences with the clear objective of intimidating opponents. However, the repression has not been able to contain peoples’ discontent, who from time to time make pots and pans rattle or cry out for freedom throughout the length and breadth of the Island,” the article concludes.
Please keep the brave and bold freedom-loving people of Cuban in your daily prayers. “Patria y Vida!”
God has put the desire for freedom into the heart of humanity. Yet, since the beginning, evil tyrants have stolen independence, liberty, and justice through fearmongering power. I am hoping there is a separate Gulag in Hell for all the wicked rulers of socialism, communism, fascism, and Marxism.
“For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge His people.” (Hebrews 10:30, NIV)
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