BOCA RATON – This past Saturday, in their addresses to friendly audiences, President Trump and his probable opponent in his run for re-election in 2020, (if Hillary keeps her dirty mitts off the primaries) Bernie Sanders, both gave us some insight as to the nature of these two guys and their respective future goals for this nation. Trump spoke in D.C. to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and Bernie, in Brooklyn at Brooklyn College to a bunch of Far Left homies, many of whom brought sandwiches stuffed in paper bags by their Moms who shook them awake early in the AM so as to get them ready to attend the speech.
Sanders, in wooing his listeners, tearfully recalled his parents’ early years of poverty, living in a 3 1/2 room apartment and him going to freebie Brooklyn College (BC). Strange that he didn’t disclose that after only one year at the tuition-free BC, he transferred to the upscale, private University of Chicago that now charges $76,000 per year. What precious belongings did his folks hock to give Bernie the apparently useless education he required to get his first paying job at the age of 40? And by the way, as a young adult, he was kicked out of an Israeli, Socialist Kibbutz for his refusal to work. Bernie again promised these future deadbeats everything you can think of…on the cuff. Free schooling, medical, housing, a minimum wage and heralded a day when all worries would be taken care of by the Citizen State. Just sit back, vote for me and relax. All will be well. Pie in the Socialist Sky.
The difference between these two guys is clear and distinct. For starters, Trump declared he would sign an executive order requiring American universities to maintain “free speech” on campuses and threatened that schools not complying could lose federal research funds. Bernie, on the other hand, has never spoken out on the radicalized Brooklyn College history of shutting down free speech for Jewish kids who support Israel.
Back in February of 2013, Michael Ziegler, Ari Ziegler and Melanie Goldberg were all expelled from an event held at BC. Not one word from Bedford-Avenue-Bernie on Israel. He brazenly and wholeheartedly endorses the BDS, Jew/Israel hating movement that would strangle and destroy the Jewish State. Bernie also hammered away at the 1%, the wealthy, who he claims rule this country and promised to change all that basically sounding like Robin Hood… “free everything for everybody.” He neglected to apologize during his rousing, socialist talks for his three homes, the latest one being an $800,000 lakefront vacation “cottage’ and for zooming around the roads of Vermont in his reported $160,000 Audi R-8 sports car.
Trump, on the other hand, offers no apologies for the billionaire lifestyle he leads. He worked as a construction worker for his Dad who was a local NYC home builder. His successful efforts, in a little over two years in the White House, to create over 3,000,000 jobs, reduce taxes, lure American businesses back to our shores and raise the GDP to over 3% is what this country needs, rather than Socialist nonsense that promises to make our nation a carbon copy of Venezuela and Cuba. We don’t give one darn what a candidate for any office says. We focus on what he/she does. And the comparisons between Bernie and Donald lead us to believe our lives have been bettered by one and threatened by the other. Guess which one we must support for President in 2020?
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