Trumpโ€™s Baptism Scene

In the 1972 film, The Godfather, the Baptism Scene takes place in the splendiferous Old St. Patrick's Cathedralโ€“โ€“built in 1809โ€“โ€“a Roman Catholic Church on Mulberry Street in New York City. It is held shortly after the funeral of Michaelโ€™s

Blue Bloods Gone Oprah

Scene from season 8 episode 22 "My Aim is True". Eddie saves Jamie. Image credit: YouTube, Requiem for a dream, 797 subscribers. Police procedural Crime drama. CBS Television Distribution NEW YORK, NY - Among the TV shows I gravitate to


Is clinically cognitively-diminished Joe Biden the best man to help America recover from this traumatic event and revive the stock-market? NEW YORK, NY โ€“ย  Now that weโ€™re in a de facto Martial Law mode – a shutdown of entire…

Hillary Clinton: The Human Spittoon

US President Bill Clinton (center with hand up), first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to right of photo; their daughter Chelsea Clinton to left. On procession in public. The President, First Lady, and Chelsea on parade down Pennsylvannia

The Groveling Jewish Lefties

President Trump just after he signed MLK Day Proclamation, making January 15, 2018 the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday. As he exited, reporters asked, "Mr. President, are you a racist?" Jan 12, 2018. Photo credit: C-SPAN. NEW

Baby Killers

โ€œThou shalt not kill.โ€ Exodus 20:13. โ€œโ€ฆI have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live:โ€ Deuteronomy 30:19 NEW YORK โ€“ Remember good ole boy Johnny Edwardsโ€“โ€“actually

The Sludge Sisters

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is so intimidated by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) that she has rewarded them with influential positions on House committees. NEW YORK - Throughout the ages, Jews have been

Suicidal Jews

NEW YORK - When individuals kill themselves, we look for answers in their DNA, their environments, their personal reactions to feelings of impotent rage, rejection, disappointment, heartbreak. But how to explain group suicide?