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Op-Ed: Trump Was Right

During his four years as president, Trump was demonized on a daily basis, whether what he did or didn't do was good for the country. File photo: Evan El-Amin,, licensed. DELRAY BEACH, FL - If you listened to the

Op-Ed: Victimism – Another Bad Ideology

ONTARIO, CANADA โ€“ย  Girard sees victimismย as a somewhat intentional method of gaining power. But victimism can also refer to the ideology of blaming, consciously or unconsciously, oneโ€™s misfortunes on somebody elseโ€™s misdeeds. In that

Op-Ed: The Pathology of Liberalism

NEW YORK, NY โ€“ย From the inception of psychology about 140 years ago, medical conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, narcissism, Touretteโ€™s syndrome, even stuttering, were

Op-Ed: Conditioned to Comply

Lokesh Gupta, from Jaipur, India, wrote that if a baby elephant is tethered to a rope, it will never attempt to free itself from that bondage despite its growing strength to do so.ย This is conditioning, no different than what we see in