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Thou Doth Protest Too Much

Black and white image of William Shakespeare’s head from a terracotta bust dating from 1730.  The meaning of The lady doth protest too much, me thinks, is that some person or group is insistent about something, to the point where the…

Op-Ed: Why We Aren’t Succeeding

When I lived in Buffalo, NY, I had a very dear friend. She could hold you dear and still remember you after so many years and your conversation could pick up where the two of you left off. Photo credit Shutterstock licensed. FORT WORTH,

Who Are The Racial Arsonists?

People are protesting and rioting in Downtown Miami, FL, May 31, 2020 over the death of George Floyd who was killed by police during an arrest in Minneapolis. Editorial credit: Tverdokhlib /, licensed. DELRAY BEACH, FL

America Under Siege, Then and Now

Twenty-five years after a tragic car accident sparked the Crown Heights riots three days of turmoil pitted angry Hasidic Jews against outraged African-American and Caribbean residents. Photo credit: David Burns, Associated Press, New York

America Is Going To The Dogs

It's almost incredible that this violent, national uprising, where there is no regard for officially pronounced curfews, has spawned the call for police departments all over the country to be either dissolved or defunded. Photo credit:

The Mind Of A Migrant

While trying to illustrate why the children of immigrant parents are American, the author unwittingly foils her own corroboration. This is a review of a children’s propagandist library book. CLEVELAND, OH – Our American Dream,

Is Racism a Two-Way Street?

 Protesters march against police shootings and racism during a rally in Washington, DC. Let's look at some of the facts regarding the cry of “police racism”. Do the facts back up this cry? Photo credit: Rena Schild /,

The Merchants of Venom

A Harvard study found that 93% of stories in the main stream media and cable news shows, about President Trump and Republicans, were negative in tone and substance. So much for unbiased news reporting. Photo credit Shutterstock licensed.

Is the Cure Worse Than the Malady?

Ever seen those ads on T.V. that attempt to educate you about a certain product that will either ease your pain or cure your malady, and then list about 20 possible side effects that might occur by taking that medication? Photo credit…

Roe Against Norma Mccorvey

Norma McCorvey, known as "Jane Roe" in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case that established a constitutional right to abortion, talked with Larry King about how she went from pro-choice to pro-life. 1998. Source: CNN NEW YORK, NY – The

A Declaration of Conformity

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photo credit: Shutterstock, licensed. DELRAY BEACH, FL - Our Declaration Of Independence was produced as a road map for the beginning of our great country, leading up to our Constitution,

The Liberals and Diversity

Many colleges brag about how diverse they are, but the faculties are mainly staffed by an overwhelming majority of liberals who contribute mainly to the Democrat Party, no “diversity” there. Photo credit Shutterstock licensed DELRAY

Welcome to the Fourth Reich

A vintage motorcycle that belonged to the armed forces of the Third Reich in the Second World War. Nothing like the Third Reich, meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", could ever happen here. Or could it? September, 2019, Verona, Italy.