BOCA RATON – Now that the newest bunch of Democrat presidential hopefuls, both black and white, have opened up the dangerous door of race baiting that presently targets only those of the Caucasian persuasion, I can wipe my brow and come clean about blacks and their attacks against my people, the Jews. This has always been a third rail issue with Jews, including our own well funded protective agencies, who, usually being key players on the Far Left Team, have avoided coming clean about the obvious hate directed against them by ordinary blacks who emulate their leaders. Just a pinch of them: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, NY State Assemblyman Charles Barron, Tamika Mallory and Valerie Jarrett and toss in the whole gang down at the Congressional Black Caucus.
So, let’s focus on a recent hate scene development down in my neck of the woods, Boca Raton, Florida. It was spawned by the principal…… principal, mind you of Spanish River High School, William Latson, who by his picture appears to be….black. He wrote an email, some time ago, to a Jewish parent (for her and her kid’s safety, not identified by the press) who had complained about what she felt was the imperfect teaching of the Holocaust in his school. Latson’s response to her, IN WRITING, no less, was….
“I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee.”
According to a local paper’s write up of the incident, last year, mind you, in another email exchange with the parent, Latson wrote:
“Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened and you have your thoughts but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs so they will react differently.”
A year later, he was removed from his position, not fired as many demanded, but reassigned, whatever that means, to disappear somewhere within the fathomless labyrinth of the system.
So, let’s say a white principal had written in a similar manner to a black parent casting doubt over America’s history of slavery? What outcry would there have been? Not only from the mainstream media but from the well funded Jewish defense groups such as The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Jewish Federations and local rabbis. They’d go nuts, demanding his firing and calling for upper heads to roll. In this instance with a black principal casting doubt on the Holocaust, not one word of outrage from these guardians of the Jewish community at all. To them, it never happened. Only today, days after the incident was reported, in a very brief memo, The ADL sighs a breath of relief that Latson was reassigned and that’s it. ( The AJC, as of today’s writing, doesn’t even make mention of this situation at all on its website. Either it never happened or it’s a cover-up. Your choice to make.
Why no calls from anyone for an investigation into the background and associations of Mr. Latson? Let’s find out if he’s a Christian, Muslim or Atheist. What were his motives to so stupidly and openly utter such ignorance? Has he written earlier about or otherwise commented on his thoughts regarding Jews? To what groups does he belong? Any of them support Jew hating or other bigotry? What records are there regarding his previous employments that might apply to this situation? Are there any more supervisors or teachers in the system who have come out expressing similar feelings such as he has? Have students been asked to report such actions to their parents or authorities??
This incident is disturbing following Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib’s and Ilhan Omar’s attempts to dilute the memory of the Holocaust. Add to this current trend, their horde of Democrat colleagues joining arm in arm to support these two proud, apparently impervious to any rebuke, overt Jew haters. All of us, Jews and Christians alike, must wake up to the nefarious, dangerous, open religious hatred uttered by our leaders, elected and appointed who threaten our nation’s security from within. This form of bigotry tends to have a trickle down effect. A good place to start would be with our educators who have been entrusted to teach and mold our youth during their earliest impressionable years. Let’s screen out those who would infect our next generation with hate, bitterness and racism without concern for these villains’ religion, race, sex or political convictions. We shouldn’t fire them: they must never receive the benefits of employment in the first place.
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