ATLANTA, GA – Michael Wolff, an award-winning journalist, told CNN’s Brian Stelter, that he is part of problem in the journalism today and why many people in the United States just don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. His comments came much to the surprise of Stelter during an interview about the release of Wolff’s new book “Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency,” which was released Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
Tucker Carlson highlighted the segment on his popular show ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight” where he reacted to the author’s slamming of the CNN host saying, here’s author Michael Wolff who was invited on to say one thing and then midway
through the segment couldn’t take it anymore and decided to tell the truth. Watch:
MICHAEL WOLFF: I think the media has done a terrible job on this. I think you yourself, while you’re a nice guy, you’re full of sanctimony. You’ve become one of the parts of the problems of the media. You come on here and you have a monopoly on truth. You know exactly how things are supposed to be done. You know, you are why one of the reasons people can’t stand the media. ( I’m sorry.
BRIAN STELTER: You’re cracking me up.
MICHAEL WOLFF: It’s your fault.
BRIAN STELTER: So what should I do differently, Michael?
MICHAEL WOLFF: You know, don’t talk so much. Listen more. You know, people have genuine problems with the media. The media doesn’t get the story right. The media exists in its own bubble.
BRIAN STELTER: That’s true, I agree.
MICHAEL WOLFF: You know, you’ve got to stop, I mean that last segment that I just had to listen to, of all of the people saying the same old stuff. Also, you’re incredibly repetitive. It’s week after week. You’re the flip side of Donald Trump. You know, “fake news” and you say “virtuous news.” You know, there’s a problem here.
BRIAN STELTER: No, we just figure out what is real. I’m listening.
MICHAEL WOLFF: Well, figuring what is real is not so, is not so easy, and most people don’t want to turn to Brian Stelter to tell us what’s real. I’m sorry.
Stelter mostly just smiled and laughed at Wolff’s assessment.
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