WASHINGTON, D.C. – Apparently the public doesn’t just have to worry about audits anymore, as the Internal Revenue Service indicated in a now-deleted job posting on Wednesday that they are seeking to hire Special Agents for their law enforcement division who are “willing to use deadly force” if necessary.
The post was initially shared on Twitter on Monday before being deleted two days later after coming under intense scrutiny after it was widely shared by documentary filmmaker Ford Fischer. The IRS have stated no reason for the post’s deletion.

The job posting was recruiting individuals for the agency’s Criminal Investigation (CI) division who would be tasked with investigating “financial crimes” amid news that the recently-passed Inflation Reduction Act would be providing the financial backing to the IRS to effectively increase its scope by approximately 50 percent allocated towards their tax collection and enforcement efforts.
“As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes,” the job listing said. “No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government. (https://www.chronicpainpartners.com/) ”
The deleted advertisement necessitated “accounting skills,” “a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job” and noted that a requirement of the position would be to carry “a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”
The job also calls for long hours and a high degree of flexibility when it comes to scheduling, with the listing noting that agents can expect to work “50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends.”
The CI team has already existed within the IRS, and the requirements listed above – including handling firearms such as pistols, shotguns, and long guns – are nothing new, reports say; IRS CI agents are full-fledged law enforcement agents with all the powers of any other federal policing organization, with their main duties centered around identity theft, general tax fraud, cyber crimes, international crimes, and more.
CI agents not only operate within the confines of the United States, but abroad as well in 11 different countries.
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