PORTSMOUTH, OH – The U.S. Senate Democrats recently passed the bogus Build Back Better Act which was renamed the Inflation Reduction Act which is actually a bogus bill that will bleed the American citizens dry. Not one Republican voted for this deception declaration.
Why are Democrats punishing their own constituents with higher taxes and a new army of IRS soldiers to audit/harass hard-working Americans? Do liberals want to be voted out in the next election? It just does not make sense.
However, the House has not voted yet. Now is the time to pray for God’s intervention to stop Team Biden’s massive tax-and-spend. Pray that the delusion that has settled on the politicians will be lifted, so they can see the covert scheme to bankrupt the U.S. economy and highjack our freedoms. Pray that the Deep State (aka, New World Order, Great Reset) cabal will be exposed and expunged in our nation.
Former Congressman Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty states, “20 of the most vulnerable House Democrats were asked if they plan to vote for the bill, but not one has responded. They haven’t responded because they are scared, and that is exactly why we need to turn up the heat!”
The 20 Democrats Paul identified are:
According to Ron Paul, “If all House Republicans vote “no,” it will take only five Democrats to oppose the bill.”
We need to be in continuous prayer until the House meets to vote. We need to ask God to shine the light on five Democrats that still love liberty and the great United States of America.
Citizens can call (202) 224-3121 and leave a voice message for their U.S. House Representative.
The following is a brief script:
Hello, this is (your name) calling you from (your city). I’m calling to ask you to vote NO on H.R. 5376 Inflation Reduction Act. The American economy is in a recession. We can’t afford another tax hike during these perilous times. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports this bill will RAISE TAXES on the huge majority of Americans, especially the poor and middle class. Please stand with the freedom-loving citizens. I will be watching your vote. Thank you and God Bless America, again.
Please share this information with your family, friends, neighbors, and on social media.
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