POLL: Growing Number of Democrats Joining Those Questioning President Biden’s Mental Acuity Following Yet Another Embarrassing Gaffe

Forgets Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) Died in August
While speaking at a conference, Biden began looking over and over for a deceased congresswoman from the stage while attempting to give her a shout-out, and even began calling out her name to the audience. Image credit: Breitbart News / White House / YouTube.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following yet another embarrassing gaffe on the part of President Joe Biden when he recently called out for Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) at an event in late September – despite the fact that she had tragically died the month before in a car accident – a growing number of Democrats are joining Republicans in questioning the mental acuity of the nation’s Commander-In-Chief.

Biden, 79, has committed a series of bizarre faux pas as of late that the White House has been repeatedly forced to cover for, including inadvertently revealing that he utilizes detailed notes on how to conduct himself during meetings, appearing to attempt to shake hands with people who aren’t there, and bizarrely stating during a speech that the Inflation Reduction Act funds healthcare and “God knows what else.”

According to a new Issues & Insights/TIPP poll, the number of Americans who are expressing concerns over Biden’s acumen have increased from 59 percent to 64 percent, with the majority of those contributing to that rising number being Democrats.

“Virtually all of October’s gain came from Democrats, who went from just 39 percent expressing ‘concern’ over Biden’s mental health in August, a high number in itself, to 52 percent in the latest poll,” the survey’s analysis states. “Let that sink in: A majority of Democrats now also think Biden possibly has mental health issues.”

The poll also advocated for Biden to take a mental competency test – similar to the one that his predecessor, Donald Trump, did, who successfully passed it at the time – as well highlighting some more of the President’s recent bumbling.

“Recent video snippets show Biden wandering off stage, apparently lost, after speaking briefly; forgetting the name of the Declaration of Independence, the nation’s founding document; invoking the possibility of nuclear ‘Armageddon’ after Vladimir Putin’s military suffered setbacks in Ukraine; and so on,” the survey said.

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