BOCA RATON, FL – Don’t get me wrong, I gave up being a “Jewish Umbilical-Cord Democrat” many years ago. Initially, because of my concerns for the Democrats’ overt hatred for Jews and Israel. But since, I’ve morphed into an all-the-way-on-all-issues, proud, staunch, outspoken, conservative Republican. However now, only a mere month short of the most important election in our lifetime, I must speak up concerning the lackluster, shamefully inadequate, nearly zero campaigning of my local Republican candidates for office. You’d never know there was an election coming up. No open warfare electioneering on the part of our candidates. Just the way the Democrats want it. Peaceful and quiet. Apparently another usual walk-away for Democrats running for Congress, state and local offices. The areas of Boca Raton, Delray and Boynton and all of Palm Beach County, a stronghold of Democrats for years, appear to be headed for continued rule by the White/America hating, Radical, Woke, Progressive, Socialist Democrats.
You’d think that with the zooming inflation, sky high gas prices, energy dependency on our enemies, the crime pandemic, illegal immigration, empty store shelves, school curricula written by radical teacher unions, homelessness, looming nuclear war with Russia and the stranglehold over the Democrat Party by the likes of America haters such as Omar, Tlaib, AOC, Sanders, our Republican candidates would be having a field day denouncing such planned destruction of our nation. No such behavior. No walk through of stores, malls, street marches to make their names and goals known to the usually politically ignorant residents. Where are the community coffee klatches, meetings in communities and in peoples’ homes; ten here, twelve there. Numbers add up and issues discussed and reforms stated. A formula for success. If the shoe were on the other foot, you’d sure as hell see the Dems ramming the issues down the throats of voters on a daily basis. Headlines made in papers and active demonstrations viewed on the tube. No stone left unturned to secure votes. Why haven’t we learned how to wage political warfare like the Dems do so well? Where are our leaders in this battle? Nowhere to be seen. Invisible.
Let’s pray most voters of all political stripes vote their own welfare in this upcoming election. If they do, we win. If they remain willingly politically uneducated (as most Democrats are) we’ll continue to be losers to the destroyers of all we’ve worked so hard to achieve. I’m saddened to write this.
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