“The gender industry nefariously targets people at the very core of personhood: identity…This identity-engineering is one of the defining features of cults.” –Mary Keffler.
PORTSMOUTH, OH – No child is born in the wrong body – that’s hard science and common sense. That’s what I believe and that’s the belief of Partners for Ethical Care (PEC).
- Related: No Child Is Born In The Wrong Body
What is PEC?
It’s is a secular, non-partisan, all-volunteer, grassroots nonprofit organization comprised of individuals from across the globe. We come from across the political spectrum and put differences aside to work toward a common mission – to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. “We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.”
Maria Keffler is a parent and teacher, and a co-founder of both Partners for Ethical Care and the Arlington Parent Coalition (Arlington, VA, USA), as well as the author of “Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult.”
“The best available research indicates that 73-94% of children who display gender non-conforming tendencies accept and align with their physical sex if allowed to pass through puberty naturally, without interventions to affirm the delusion that they are a different sex.”
Related commentary on book: “Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out Of The Gender Cult” By Author And Activist Maria Keffler
“The Invention of Transgender Children. It’s a common misconception that children are given a thorough medical and psychological assessment before drastic medical interventions take place. However, this is untrue. Children are routinely diagnosed as transgender on their first visit to a healthcare provider.” The gender industry refers to this as “affirmative care.”
Parents, whose intuition to keep their children’s bodies safe from harm, are labeled “unsupportive,” “toxic,” and “transphobic,” and are bullied into suppressing their feelings, concerns, and doubts.
People who question the gender industry’s demands for “affirmation only” have:
- been told their children will commit suicide if not permitted to transition
- lost custody of their own children
- had their minor children emancipated by a court
- lost their jobs
- been doxxed
- been threatened with physical violence
Identity Crisis Film
PEC has teamed up with Independent Women’s Network to support The Identity Crisis Film Tour. Identity Crisis is a series of short documentaries by Kelsey Bolar. Included is “Dysphoric: Fleeing Womanhood Like A House on Fire” by Vaishnavi Sundar. ‘Dysphoric’ is a four-part documentary series on the rise of Gender Identity Ideology, its effects on women and girls – especially in developing countries.
The past decade has seen a steep rise in the number of young girls seeking to transition by undergoing life threatening, irreversible procedures. The film explores gender transition, the permanent medical side-effects of hormones and surgeries, the propaganda by ‘woke’ corporations that glorifies thousands of stereotypical gender presentations coalesced as fashion, a surge in pronoun policing; language hijacking that calls women ‘menstruators,’ and the many hurdles women face while trying to question this modern-day misogyny. The film amplifies the voices of detransitioners, clinicians, psychiatrists, sociologists, feminists, academics and concerned citizens.
I watched this series and it is eye-opening, breath-taking, and powerful – but also evoked a range of emotions. The gender ideology cult movement is a serious matter that harms kids, parents, and society. There is absolutely no science that supports transgenderism. There are only two sexes: male and female.
It would behoove parents to watch with their teenage daughters and have ongoing discussions about transgenderism indoctrination because no child is born in the wrong body.
Cat Cattinson, a detransitioned women who once fell prey to gender ideology, took steps to reverse her medical “transition.” She has since utilized her social media platforms to speak out on the dangers of experimental gender medicine. Cattinson became interested in medical malpractice law and helping others who have been harmed by gender medicine find justice.
I mentioned Cattinson in one of my former columns. I am so proud of her.
Exposing the Gender Industry in America. In April PEC is bringing together experts from across the world to share their experiences in the areas of psychology, psychiatry, medicine, pediatrics, ethics, politics, and the law. Panelists will explain how “gender identity” as a concept was created, how it is being used today, and ways that you can take action to help children grow up healthy.
PEC has a 34-page guide for journalists on their website. MEDIA STYLE GUIDE: A tool for journalists reporting on issues related to sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and women’s rights.
The Ethical Journalism Network outlines five major principles for ethical journalism:
- Truth and Accuracy
- Independence
- Fairness and Impartiality
- Humanity
- Accountability
Referencing gender ideology:
“In reality, though, the change in how these issues are reported on by the press has largely been driven by an online culture of fear. Journalists who fairly report on these issues are met with abuse and harassment, and in some cases, are even fired for doing their job. Newsrooms and editorial staff are being bullied by a small minority of online activists into a position that is not even supported by the majority of American voters. (https://www.cbnasia.org/) Journalists do themselves and the public a disservice by allowing their work to be controlled by extremists on any side of the debate.”
“By caving to the unethical demands of organizations like the Trans Journalists Association, publications are also (perhaps unwittingly) engaging in the process of erasing the global crisis of misogyny. Inaccurate information misrepresenting the sex of individuals in reporting is hiding the reality of male violence, distorting public perception with misinformation, and confusing the conversation on sex, gender, and sexual orientation.”
The Trans Journalists Association:
The Trans Journalists Association has their own Style Guide. “The number one way to improve trans coverage is to hire trans people. Because of their lived experiences, trans reporters often have a much deeper and more nuanced understanding of trans issues and gender than even the best cis reporters.”
So, you need to be trans to report on trans issues. Really? My questions: If you are in a car accident, would only talk to other people in car accidents for a news story? If you wanted purple hair, would you only seek advice from someone who also had purple hair for a story? If you had cancer, would you only seek treatment from a physician that also had cancer?
Video: The Transgender Revolution in the Classroom: What Parents Need to Know. Features Maria Keffler. Transgender ideology is flooding public school classrooms. What does this mean for our children? And what can parents do? This webinar from the Ethics and Public Policy Center equips parents with the knowledge and insights they need to recognize and resist the promotion of transgender ideology in public schools—and to protect their children from the transgender revolution.
Rational, reasonable, and sensible adults must speak out to defend and protect children from the radical transgender cultists. Each individual can speak out and make a difference at the local level. Every parent needs to know what is being taught in her/his child’s public school, classroom, and school library. Aim yourself with knowing the policies of the school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, and all school mental health professionals.
Citizens, unite.
“A systematic and intentional brainwashing has been undertaken upon our children and our society, for the purpose of political and financial gain.”
–Maria Keffler.
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