“Only in the radical left’s woke dystopia is it not appropriate to protect kids.” – Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
PORTSMOUTH, OH – Now, that’s what I like to see. Church members coming in peace and speaking out to defend and protect kids from Drag Queen Story Hour marauders. A family-oriented group called MassResistance joins in. And elected officials agree that children and drag queens don’t mix.
Apparently, the disgust and backlash about male drag queens dressed in thongs and pasties or other seductive outfits and twerking/jerking in front of children has garnered attention from sensible citizens and hit a home run.
But not so fast…
Drag queens (DQ) at reading events with children have changed their salacious costumes to avoid the Libs of TikTok exposure and the public witnessing of bare bums hanging out and mammoth prosthetic breasts. The child predators have pumped the brakes on hiking a leg to show undergarments and shaking fake cleavage.
But the maniacal message is still the same: indoctrination, grooming, and sexualization. The DQ militant mob has regrouped and nixed the hypersexualized performances in libraries and schools. When something is not working, you just rebrand it.
And according to a 2023 article in the East Idaho News, the DQ’s “Do crafts and they teach sign language for about an hour.”
The DQ deviants have added sign language to their agenda of proselytization. Argh. What’s next? Bringing a kindly gray-haired grandma, a plate of warm cookies, and a picture of Mother Teresa to show their phony piety.
But guess who showed up? Members from local Christian churches. Shazam! God’s people put on some boldness. And they brought Bibles.
“We are not here to stir up trouble,” Mountain Valley Baptist Church Pastor Don Whitecar said Sunday. “But what the (drag queens) do crosses into something vastly immoral, and to sit idly by isn’t really biblical. We care enough about our community to know that this is very wrong, and we’re going to fight it.”
Kudos to Christians.
MassResistance, a leading pro-family activist organization that provides the information and guidance people need to confront assaults on the traditional family, school children, and the moral foundation of society, showed up to support the local citizens. Based in Massachusetts, they have supporters and activists in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and several foreign countries.
Kudos to MassResistance.
The creative strategy: The determined protestors arrived well before the program at the Marshall Public Library in Pocatello and filled all the chairs. When families with small children arrived, they were turned away because the room was at capacity.
Idaho GOP Secretary and State Freedom Caucus Director Maria Nate, of Rexburg, attended with her husband, former Representative Ron Nate. Mrs. Nate said about the protest, “Today was a victory for concerned Christians in the battle for our children’s souls. There will be many more battles and we will need many more Christians to engage.”
David Worley, Idaho Republican Party’s District 29 Chairman, praised local churches for uniting in defense of children. He said, “It was great to see Christians of various faith traditions standing together.”
Kudos to elected officials.
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